Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"Heartbreak in Stratford"

My father who was on the school board for over a decade lost tonight by 3 stinking votes. It really sucks because it ment alot to my father is who a retired teacher. I think this would have been his fifth term. I am not sure if Sucks is a strong of enough word to lose by 3 votes. My family has had so many personal issues going on lately, this is the last thing we needed. Hopefully I got all the crappy stuff that will happen to me out of the way for the calendar year now. Seriously, would you have rather lost in a blow out? Or lost knowing that there is a good chance people that were supposed to vote for you had a wave of laziness or apathy come over them at the last minute?


Unknown said...

Man, that sucks. I know how much your dad cares about kids and teaching, and I know he was an effective member of the school board. I think Stratford made a terrible mistake.

keith said...

My dad asked for a recount. The Courier POst actually printed him winning, which let to a lot of confusion.

The guy who beat him has been on the Yellin school board, but my dad did a lot for that school, in what seems to be a thankless job.