Wednesday, November 27, 2002

“ Global Lovin’ ”

::Club music playing…its getting’ hot in here lets take off all our clothes!::

Ever wonder if your sex life is in the doldrums? If reading Tucker’s World is the highlight of your day than perhaps, that is true.

Well some England Condom company wants us to feel even more pathetic (or at least me) because they did a survey of how often people get their freak on. If you are a Briton (thats what the call people from England) and only get laid less than 149 times a year than you are below average in the ass getting department. But they are not the best lovers out there! Keep in mind these are averages.

These wild sex freaks are only outdone by couples in France (167) [damn!], the Netherlands (158), Denmark (152) and Canada (150). I was surprised to see that the Canadians got it on so much. I wonder if Avril took the survey or not. It was conducted online which means...something.

Where did Americans come come in at? A mere 130 times a year. I think that is a disgrace and perhaps a slanted survey. Plus I think I am partly to blame for bringing down the average. Lets as Americans go out there and DO IT MORE…my readers I want you to go out there and screw, screw, screw. We need to bring that average up! America pride…tell that girl..or guy…tonight on the biggest bar night of the year that your DOING IT for America!

Id ask for surveys to see how often my readers get lucky, but that would result in Tucker’s butt being kicked, and perhaps a high suicide rate for my sexually frustrated readers. Well I have to go now and finnish pealing a label off my beer.

for a sneak peak at the Flyers new 3rd Jersey which will be used for Black Friday go here;f=6;t=028021

thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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