Thursday, February 27, 2003

“My Sweet Skater Girl”

I didn’t tune in but I know by now your story. I know that my Sweet Avril Lavigne that you didn’t win one Grammy. I know that Norah Jones basically kicked your adorable butt all over the red carpet.

I imagine you either got all watery eyed and bowed your head in disappointment or perhaps you through a punch into the wall back stage. Perhaps you thought it was a damn cold night that you didn’t get to make that acceptance speech that I’m your practiced over and over again.

I’d imagine you went out with your band and filled your brain with several mind altering substances. I hope that you didn’t over do it. I hope you realized that you will be there again next year.

People love you, and although the music industry is a fickle creature I know in my heart that people will still be buying your CDs (or downloading your music) years from now…so don’t worry and don’t measure yourself against others like that. Its not the end of the world. I bet many girls around the world imitated you when you performed earlier this week. Why just the other day I saw a young girl all dressed like you in the mall.

Don’t be discouraged you are really young and have your whole career ahead of you.

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