Wednesday, March 26, 2003

"What's Going On?"

Just try to avoid the reality of war if you wanted to. Not that I am saying anyone should. Its just sometimes it would be nice to take a break from all the horrifying images and death tallies on the news these days. However the reality is that this WAR is going to be around for awhile and in our lives. For example the other day I wondered if Conan was a rerun momentarily forgetting, but of course Late Night was preempted for war coverage. Rick and I went to the Flyers game Monday, and about 4 or so continuous chants of USA! echoed through the FU center.

This war we are in is the first “Cell Phone and Internet” war. So what makes this different than the 1991 Gulf War is there is a lot more information out there, and depending on what your sources are it appears to be a different war. Some of it is just internet rumors I am sure because anyone can just write stuff on a web blog or website and make it sound like facts. So I think you should stop reading them!!!!!!! I love my readers reading Tucker’s World. Both of them

Most people talk about the war and you hear different variations of what is going on. You would think at time we are talking about different countries and different wars. First off the actual objective depends on who you ask. That kind of makes it harder to come together in such a trying time for America, when we can’t even agree why we are fighting.

People either say because we are preventing the next 9/11 by doing this. We have yet to find the dreaded weapons of mass destruction as far as I know. Many Americans (and the vast majority of New Jerseyans) believe we are out to kill Iraqis and steal all of their oil. If this is so than I am sure Bush would be impeached and the rest of the middle of east would reek havoc on the US. I have trouble buying that it is just about Oil.

Others think its time to just free the people of Iraq that have suffered so long under a tyrant rule of Saddam. Now these objective is separated by various different beliefs. Some people think it’s the time to end the suffering. Others thing we are going to pretend we are ending suffering, than turn around and kill everybody and steal their oil. Others on the other hand think Saddam is an awful person, and his treatment of innocent people, but would rather us as a nation turn a blind eye and worry about our economy problems. This out look is funny and ironic because it comes from many supposed human rights liberals. So basically what they are saying is let more people die over there for now and lets worry about getting money for ourselves!

Now what where hear on the news I am sure does not parallel what is actually going one. For one thing we are also being feed Iraqi propaganda. They seem to disagree on the amount of civilian casualties than we do. However, they still think they won the 1991 Gulf War. I have heard other things too which I would love to know more about. For example, about 48 hours ago or so we found a chemical warehouse. It was roughly the same size as a golf course, but I didn’t heard much after we actually found it. I mean just days ago the cover of the Daily News had a picture of U.S. Solider on the front and the headline was about the warehouse. Now I have heard nothing about it since than.

If you go to Drew’s blog TERMINUS and check out the BUZZ FLASH, you may have found an article about this. It mentioned that we already knew it was there. However it was just a written paragraph and served no evidence other than the author of the article telling me we knew about it already. What is odd is the fact that it was camouflaged and unable to be seen by planes and inspections. Why are the hiding this? I have no idea because I haven’t heard squat about in days. Maybe it was just filled with Dixie Chicks CDs or something.

What about the US missiles that supposedly landed in Iran ? I have heard there were a few people hurt. Do most the people of Iraq want us there? I see footage of food being distributed to them and they look damn happy. I have heard that many of them are just surrendering because they are hoping to be liberated so food and supplies wont be cut off from them. Also so the country, not Saddam could get money for Oil, unless of course we kill them and take it from them. At the same time I have heard (granted less) accounts of Iraqis resenting the US for being there.

Now the news is hyping the battle of Baghdad amongst on going sandstorms. If they did have chemical weapons we are going to find out really sound. Many people now think taking the city may be harder than originally thought. Could it be a blood bath? I have no idea! I pray that it isn't. (sorry Drew)

Is this war worth fighting or am I a victim of US propaganda? Even if it is you will feel even more guilty about it than you should, because the democrats are likely to exaggerate missteps and harp on the negative effects of the war in order to retake the white house. Some of the ultra-liberal human shields have already gotten a heavy dose of reality. Many of them after talking to the people of Iraq realized how horrible the people there have it and got the heck out of there.

It frustrating for having friends in this war. Its frustrating even though I know we don’t hear everything for a reason. However its really frustrating not knowing what is really going on over there. Most of all its frustrating trying to figure what to believe. Is our generation out to make it right? Are we just making promises that we know we will never keep?

Too many men, too many people making too many problems, and not much love to go round. Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

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