Tuesday, July 01, 2003

“Back for the Fourth of July”

Just in time for the forth of July my good friend Price is back for a month. My friend who oddly enough is a war veteran now. I was considered about him for months while he was at war, because I knew he was pretty deep in Iraq. This made his return a lot different than his countless other visits to South Jersey a lot more meaningful.

I can still recall the night when Price gathered us at Starview Diner to tell us he had enlisted. I guess I was being naïve because I didn’t think he would ever see any serious action. That of course was before September 11th. Ironically that same day almost two years ago now, Price was on his way home for sometime off, and was just outside DC when the attack on the Pentagon occurred.

He spent a lot of time back last summer, and we all got the impression based on his experience and what seemed pretty clear we were going to attack Iraq. We all figured he was going to war in Iraq. Price made it through some serious ordeals thank God.

He was did open up over the course of the night and told us what War was like. It wasn’t like watching an Oliver Stone movie or anything, it was much more real. I was hearing it from a person I grew up with. Needless to say most of the crew were dead silent when he told these stories.

This war has been debated over and over again (just read TERMINUS) and I still don’t if I was lied to about the war or not. I still wonder if the WMD were moved out during the whole time we were gunning for Saddam or if it was just a boldfaced lie.

Well this year on the 4th of July maybe my readers can just take a moment to reflect upon all the men and women that served (and many cases gave their lives) for our country. Why we sit on our Asses and watch tv they are out there with their lives on the line. Some time in between gulping down a burger, plunging in a pool, or gazing at fireworks think about these people. If you go to a parade or come across some veterans simply thank them.

Oh if you go to the shore via the Garden State Parkway this hoilday weekend, beware the trolls.

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