Um. Blooger has gone crazy and I can not use quotes or it goes nuts. Sorry I am working to find out how to fix this.
Sorry to get all dark on you folks but I had to do this. Later this week I will post my Its a Wonderful Life article which I finished, and have my 2nd annual last minute shoppers message, and republish my short story The Gift a Tuckers World tradition.
Not a Man Not Yet a Human
My friend Drew has a blog 1. TERMIUS, as you know. Like every blog writer last week he chimed in on the whole capture of Saddam. Well he has his own comments section unlike me. So I decided to ask him what he thought about all the liberals making this out to be a negative thing. So many liberal minded people were saying, such as it isn't the real Saddam, Saddam was found months ago and was kept in a bunker in Texas, etc. I point out the irony that these same people were the ones who wanted proof of WMD, are now pulling these stories out their ass. I guess the most bold claim I made was that I wouldnt be surprised if some whacko-s just say we should release him.
I posted a comment to ask him how people could feel sorry for Saddam, because many people actually did. Now read the comments and I could be wrong but I don't recall saying that if you felt bad for the guy that you were on his side or anything. I simply have no sympathy for the guy, and asked the question how people could. I honestly can't feel sorry for him. I didn't belittle them really I was just amazed how people were upset because he will actually be given a trial, a man who put to death anyone who looked at him funny.
I cant express sympathy for a man who killed thousands of people and had mass graves all over the country. As for embarrassment I think it could be a lot worse, I have seen people on Survivor look in worse shape than him and as for the images I have seen worse on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Drew did agree that he deserves everything he gets, but after getting insulted for being branded a Sympathizer (although I never did any such thing) he goes on to say
"Oh, yes, and how dare any human being express any sympathy for a man who is going to be locked up for the last few short years of his life before being executed. Where does this idea come from that feeling sympathy for someone means that you support or approve of them. Put your self in Saddam's shoes right now and imagine what you'd be thinking and feeling. If you don't feel sympathy for that, you're not human. That doesn't mean that Saddam should be freed. It doesn't mean that Saddam doesn't deserve everything he gets. Of he course he does, and more. But the poor sonofabitch went from sovereign ruler of Iraq to living in a hole in a matter of weeks. It's got to be pretty hard for him. What's wrong with saying so?"
WOW. I did not make that up folks. Now think back a week ago. Did you feel sympathy for him? I hope so for your sake you did, if not you are not a human. Drew my friend I did think for a moment about the irony of him being in a tiny hole that when he climbed out had a view of his huge palace. Putting myself in his shoes would mean I would have had to see the horror that he unleashed upon humanity and my over-active imagination simply could not do it justice. I had to stop. If you are going to put yourself in the mans shoes Drew I suggest you think about it. He was a rich asshole who if he wasnt killing people he was willing letting people starve to death. Yeah it had to be pretty hard for Saddam leaving his golden toilets for a hole in the ground, but is it wrong for me not to feel bad for the end of Saddams rule.
Let us look at what he wrote. When he says if you don t have sympathy for THAT well....... what does he mean by that exactly? Judging by his previous statements THAT is Saddam being placed on trial and getting locked up for the last few years of his life. So now why would I feel sympathy for justice being served against someone who is being charged with historic crimes against humanity. Saddam might have been scared, and since tried to negotiate his way out of the hole I guess he was.
What I would be thinking and feeling if I were Saddam? Well maybe I would be thinking I should not have murdered thousands of people for no reason. Do I feel sorry that Saddam felt maybe a tenth of a fraction of fear that people did as they watched their loved ones being murdered by his followers or himself personally. Do I regret us having to have Saddam a man who murdered members of his own family and innocent children having his feelings hurt? HELL NO. All he got was a bruised ego big deal. He was on the run for a few months big deal. I am glad that the poor son of a bitch had it hard we are like one of the only countries in the entire world that would not murder him on the spot. If anything he got lucky.
I can only hope that Saddam THINKS about what he did while he is locked up for the last few short years of his life before being executed. I want him to feel fear, and maybe put himself in his own shoes for once. JESUS. Being alone with his thoughts has to be scary. Does he really think I am a bad person for wondering if Saddam is feeling blue?
Drew hates being labeled Un-American for speaking his mind but when I do he will imply I am unworthy to be considered a human. Isn't that a bigger insult? I must be a vicious horrible beast by definition I guess. I guess Saddam and I are both Monsters in his eyes than, because I do not know what else that makes me since I am clearly not a human loyal readers. Do you do yourself a favor ask people around if their heart strings were tugged on. Maybe Dr. Phil should have been sent down the hole and tried to reach Saddam.
Does Drew do this to get a rise out of people like me? I really don't know.
I wonder if Drew feels sorry that Hitler hit hard times when he was cornered and took his own life rather than be captured. What makes Hitler different? It is inhuman to not feel sorry for what Hitler was thinking and feeling when he had that gun ready to take his own life. I mean a in the matter of a mere couple of years he went from almost taking over all over Europe to being surrounded by troops out to capture him. Support the war or not Saddam can easily be put on a list with Hitler as far as horrible deadly people, I mean he did not get the name butch of Baghdad for nothing. I hate to end on a cliche. Does having sympathy for Saddam s crushed dreams and fears when he saw those troops looking down at him make you un-American will not call you that Drew maybe a hypocrite if you mange to worm your way out of applying the same logic to Hitler. How can you not put the same logic to Hitler s case? What about his feelings is on a different plan than Saddam? Maybe there is different levels of inhumanity than? I am glad you are here to define what is right and wrong to think Drew. Then again I am not human.
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