Sunday, April 11, 2004

Soprano Wrap-Up

"Irregular Around the Margins"

Last week’s Sopranos will likely go down in history as one of the top 10 episodes of all time. The intensity of the show was it its best last night.

While Christopher was smuggling stolen goods for cigarettes down south, Tony was getting coked up with Adriana. The two of them almost become “intimate” with one another before getting interrupted.

The next day in therapy (this guy is in and out of treatment more than Claude Lapointe) Melfi is glad to learn that Tony thought with the head above his shoulders for a change.

The next night Adriana and Tony hang out at her club once again and their cocaine is fresh out. So Adriana calls up some shady guy who lives down in Dover who tries keep long hours for all his loyal customers. Since she needs a ride home Tony offers to drive down there, however their drug run is caught short when Tony rubbers up trying to avoid some sort of furry creature.

Eventually it gets out that the two of them are together late at night. Eventually the events of the night are blown out of proportion when the story gets passed on.

Christopher gets fired up that Tony was making the moves on his girl. So he fall off the wagon (like I predicated) beats Adriana, and shoots up Tony’s um other SUV.

Tony doesn’t like his life being threatened too much and they try to reenact the Joe Pesci scene from Casino in a remote cornfield. Eventually Tony B. talks sense into Tony S.

Later Tony makes Carmella come to dinner with him along with Christopher and Adriana, Tony B. and his mother.

Tony B. gets into a rough spot, but doesn’t go bad.

After thought:
Lots of tension in this season so far. I am not sure what I think of Vito being a capo. I don’t think it will last too long. Wise guys tend to payback each other via cold revenge.

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