Monday, July 26, 2004

"Can Kerry Save Hockey?!"

The NHL is in worse is in utter shambles, and the pending hockey Armageddon appears to be real, and any kind of lock out could very easily lead to the entire league going belly up. At this points experts on the sport peg the lockout as 75% likely.

Now presidential hopeful John Kerry, has of work hard work and decisions to make in order to over come the borderline states in order to bounce Dubbuya from the White House.  Sure terrorism, healthcare, and the economy are important, but what about the NHL?

Now according to the countless photo ops I have seen attempting to make the American public like John Kerry he not only is a hockey fan he actually plays the game! I don't know if he can stand on his skates as well as his skies, but maybe he is the NHL's only hope.

Now I don't expect him to do anything, but he would automatically get my vote if he randomly broke the door down at the next CBA meeting, and locked the door till both sides made an agreement. I would be like the John Kerry can get things done! I am going to vote for him he cares about the average man who just wants to watch hockey. He surely understands the common man.

In fact if he save the NHL from meeting the reaper I think I would get I love Kerry tattooed on my arm. Come on John Kerry its a great idea! Canada is pissed off at us, and if the Canadians, and Maples never play again it will be impossible for them to ever like us again.

please, John Kerry prove to me you can solve differences by making the impossible possible. Please if you are as big a fan I am, you are the only one that can save it.

Enjoy DEMOCRAT WEEK readers!

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