Saturday, September 18, 2004

"The Big 400 Movie Game!"

According to the masterlist for my blog, it say this is my 400th blog! Of course some had to be reprinted all at once after the first TUCKER's WORLD died. So, its actually more then that.

Okay, in honor of the big 400, I am going to get a movie game started for the comments section. The rules are simple. I give clues for an actor...if people don't know just post no clue. If you have a guess post on there and I will say if you are right or wrong.

The first person that gets it right gets to write clues of their own and we all try and guess. The game ends when we generally all lose interest which with my blog should be in less then 24 hours.

OKay here we go:

I have worked with Oliver Stone 3 times

I have shared scenes with both Kevin Spacy, Marlon Brando and John Candy

Despite most people not knowing my name, I have been in big '90s films such as
Pulp Ficition, Field of Dreams and JFK.

Who am I ?


Jenna said...

Frank Whaley

keith said...

Nice Jenna!

Your turn!

keith said...

alright got ourselves quite a game going on here!

Unknown said...

Yeah, way to kill the game, Jenna!