Thursday, February 03, 2005

"Tuckers World On DEMAND"

What you would you like to see?


Was there any serious interest in my doing a DR. Who like review of the Transformers cartoon series from the 80s? It was suggested to me again this weekend, but I don't know how much interest there would actually be. Not to mention I am a little uncomfortable with being sent to an even higher level of nerdness. PLus I need to get copies of the shows.

2. Movie trivia games. I have failed to get any off the ground on this blog in the past, but the casting the crew blog was a big hit. So, maybe there is some interest there.

3. MOvie Franchise History: Here my expert take on the Jaws, Superman, Starwars, Lethal Weapon and more movie series. Learn more about them than you ever wanted to and have me point out what went wrong with some of these sequels.

4. Bad joke Wednesday. Every weds, I post really bad joke on here.

What if any of these idea do you want to see on Tucker's World?


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see more posts asking people what they want you to post about. In fact, all your posts should be like that. No more NHL lockout posts, No politics, No movie reviews, No realization of popularity polls, just you asking everyone what they want.

Seriously though, unless you start describing infant murders, I'll read this blog. It's one of the few interaction I have with you. I check almost every day. Do what you like.



Anonymous said...

I would like!
to hear the sound!
of two bricks smashing together!!!!

-Mr. Gumby

Anonymous said...

I would like a plum, floating in perfum, in a man's hat.

keith said...

Here you go!
:::Moe puts drink on bar:::

The B-Sharps!

Unknown said...

I like all four of those ideas.