Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"Spider Hole Myth?"

Could the US have just made up the Saddam in a Spider Hole a story? One marine says that is not the way it went down. Instead, Saddam was found in a modest dewelling and actually fired back the US soilders. That found him.

The spider hole was said to actually have just been an old well. Why America would have made this up is unclear. I guess it make Saddam look a lot lamer. I don't know how much credit I give this story though.

Regardless here is the story link.

Gee, I sure wonder what DREW thinks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. That conflicts with the stories that surfaced right after his capture. According to many other sources, Saddam was captured by Kurdish forces and drugged to pacify him while they negotiated the handover (and $25 million bounty). Check for links to related articles.

Either way, it wouldn't surprise me if our government chose to lie to the world once again. Always remember: history is written by the victors. [TL]