Thursday, April 28, 2005

"The Rhode to Hate is Paved with Air"

My friend Drew went on a rant on his blog (the reason God invented blogs) about how some right wing leaning blog writers were saying they were glad a woman died. The woman was someone I had never heard of in my entire life, but apparently a well respected liberal of some sort. Drew said that it was MORE a right wing thing to be full of hate and what night. I respectfully disagreed. If anything I think the left wingers are more likely to resort to these type of bizarre hatred towards public figures they dislike and more likely to cheer them meeting the reaper.

Recently in the news something along those lines has happened. Of course you likely haven't heard about it since its getting less press than a Phantoms game. Randi Rhodes who hosts a show on Air America a liberal themed radio station had a skit on her show about the President getting shot. I guess the murder of the president of the United States gets some laughes with their target audience. Yeah, thats right the anti-gun people made those jokes. This is far worse than saying, I am glad so and so is dead. Both are pretty low class, but this skid is just flat otu messed up.

I didn't get to hear the actual skit, but have a transcript. Anyway, before you RUSH to judgment let me inform you that I often times actually listen to Air America. Although, not as much recently since the low singal comes in annoyingly bad in the some of the places I am during the day.

Rhodes has since said she was sorry about it, however I am sure she knew about it coming on. Then again shes such an awful radio show host that maybe she didn't. I mean professionally she has one of the worst shows I have ever heard. She rambles all over the map, comes off as just a total bitch, and sometimes her is so erratic you wonder if shes on drugs. I have heard much more polished college radio talk shows. I can't imagine if Sean Hannity had a skit with gunshots intended for John Kerry.

In addition to her having no idea what it takes to run a professional radio show, shes just awful. She spews hate for several hours. If I ever met her I would get a large sock fill it with quarters and whack her in the face with it.

So, anyway. The left wingers are more full of hate IMHO, and more likely to lower themselves to such awfulness. Oh, yeah the radio show is under a routine investigation.


Unknown said...

From what I've read, she really didn't know what was in the skit, and she has apologized profusely. But you're right, her show is dreadful. Not as bad as Matt Drudge's show, but really, really awful all the same.

As for left wingers being more full of hate, we'll have to agree to disagree. But for the record, I think you've got to be crazy to believe that.

Unknown said...

1994 - Republican Senator Jesse Helms, on the President's unpopularity in North Carolina: "Mr. Clinton better watch out if he comes down here. He'd better have a bodyguard."

That's an actual Senator, not some two-bit radio personality. Funnily enough, he was never invesitgated by the Secret Service.

To say nothing of Ann Coulter, who has repeatedly and unrepentently wished the deaths of everyone associated with the New York Times, among others of her "greatest hits". And all that's before we even get into the right-wing extremists, like the militias and the vigilante border patrols and the white supremacists and the ones who murdered Matthew Sheppard.

Anonymous said...

Extremism is ugly no matter what side you're on. I don't believe that either the Democrats or Republicans are any more or less vitriolic than the other. They both suck.

This would be a good time to remind everybody that there are other parties out there. If you're sick of the bullshit spewed by the big two parties, take some time to learn about the alternatives. They may be small and seemingly insignificant now, but remember that the Republican party began as an alternative party, too.

As for Ann Coulter, she's just plain psycho. Hot, but psycho. [TL]

keith said...

I really don't pay much attention to Ann Coulter. I don't know why.

I have to agree with you that Drudge's radio show is awful. It doesn't even make any sense.

As much as I like his web site. The sad thing is Randi Rhodes has the drive time slot. They really ought to flip her with Al Franlin. Even though he has easily the worst radio voice in the world, his show is far more tolerable.

Unknown said...

They probably had to give Rhodes whatever slot she wanted because she was one of the few actual established radio personalities on the line-up, complete with her own built-in audience. Franken had name-recognition and that's about it.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, and in other "Liberal Hate" news, noted bleeding heart liberal Pat Robertson says that federal judges are worse than al Qaeda.

Wait a minute, he's not a liberal!

keith said...

Pat Robertson is a nut.