Monday, May 30, 2005

"Devil of a Time in Newark"

So if the NHL ever rises from it's ashses the New Jersey Devils will head a tad south. To Newark, leaving the swamps of the medow lands behind. An assemblymen in NJ, would like them to leave their "Demonic" name there too. He would like them to change it, the owners of the hockey team are saying fat chance.

Judging by his quote the politican is getting the Jersey Devil confused with the fallen angel from the bible. The Devils aren't named after satan himself, but after the Jersey Devil. Of course imagine people across the country who likely never heard fo the demonic creature that roams the pine barrens might be a bit confused. Perhaps they think its just named after the people who run the state.

Anyway, hopefully they keep their name. I always thought the Carolina Hurricanes was a much more morbid name. Think about it, lets name our team after the weather elimate that casues constant death and destuction to our state! At least the Jersey Devil hasn't been confirmed to kill anyone. Would anyone like me to blog about the legend?

Anyway go read this at ESPN.


Unknown said...

I'd love to see them change the name, just because it would piss off the Devils fans, and that's a good thing. But to be fair, you're absolutely right. It's stupid to change the name.

Anonymous said...

They should totally change the name to the Jersey Fairies or The Jersey Toxic Waste Dump, just to fuck with Devils fans who are all bad people.

What you forgot to mention was that the assemblyman in question is also a Baptist minister. That fact alone should tell you that he is a complete nutjob.


John said...

My team name of most of my fantasy sports league is the New Jersey Trash Heap.

I think it's nice.

The Trash Heap has spoken. meaeeeeh.