Thursday, May 26, 2005

"Philly Bans Smoking"

Its offical, well really a matter of time till it kicks in. Check it out.

Oh, sorry about the missing joke of the week. Look for a double header this hoilday weekend! I just crashed the night that I usually post that. Also, is anyone else sick of this weather? Its rained everyday since SUnday. This is what I like to call Dan K weather. Wet, Dark, Windy, Cold. He has told me several times its his ideal weather.

Note: this post was supposed to be here on Thursday. Did anyone actually see it?


Unknown said...

Broken link. Again.

I need some brilliant computer programmer to build me a "robot" to post this message on Tucker's World every time it detects a hyperlink in one of your posts. It would really save me time.

keith said...

Both the Hockey and Smoking links have been fixed. Click and enjoy. If you have AOL it might still not work for like an a hour. Just go into Internet Explorer or Netscape. Sorry, for the broken links.

It just turned dark as night out.

Unknown said...

To be fair, the broken links are partly blogger's fault. The insert link tool "conveniently" inserts "http://" for you. But when you cut the URL from your browser and paste it into blogger, you get "http://". It's a real pain in the ass.