Sunday, July 17, 2005

Summer Movie Files 204: Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four doesn't have the brand name power that Spiderman or Batman has. In fact during the peak of my comic book reading days I would guess I read a total of two issues of this title.

Never the less Comic book movies are the Hollywood trend right now. Several years ago we merely had the Superman and Batman movies. However starting in the late 90s the trend caught fire so we have almost an entire bell curve ot the comic book films.

Of course that means there are some let downs such as Spiderman. In addition some real dogs that usually merit one viewing such as Sin City, and even worse the Hulk in which the film makers forgot that comic book movies are supposed to be fun.

At any rate I knew very little of the origin story of The Fantastic Four and altough Im told it was altered a bit, it was certainly a good starting point for viewers who know know the story. In fact 80 percent of the movie is the four soon to be super heros trying to figure out their powers, and the best way to deal with them.

Apperently a space storm of some sort altered their DNA and gave them all different powers. One can turn transparent, another morphed into a huge rock type thing, another get fly short distance and turn into a ball of fire, and yet another can stretch his limbs to the extereme.

Although, it may lack the heart the say Richard Donner's Superman or the creative vision of Tim Burton's Batman it is still wildly entertaining. Playing out almost like X-men lite. Packed with more jokes than the X-men, but that is part of the fun.

There is not much of a show down between the villian and the fantastic four, but that in this case is a refreshing change since that part of the film usually drags. Sure it might be mainly a B-cast, but the acting is pretty good for this type of film.

The movie is generally a fun 2hours in the theater. Oh, yeah and Jessica Alba looks great. I already forgave her for Sin City.


Unknown said...

Wow, I disagree with you so much. I mostly agree about Fantastic Four. It was stupid and definitely not good, but it was fun. Thing is, the movie had no ambition. They set out to make a medicore, enjoyable, mindless summer flick, and they did.

The Hulk is about a billion times a better movie. Better script, better acting, better story, better FX. The Hulk had ambition. The Hulk took a comic book and tried to turn it into a great film. It failed, and turned it into a damn good film. But there aren't many comic book movies better than it. Spider-Man 2 is about all I can think of. Maybe Superman: The Movie.

keith said...

I thought the Hulk tried way too hard actually. They took it TOO seriously.

It just wasn't fun to watch. Way to artsy for comic book movie. Also, the lead was a total bore.

Perhaps, its because I never really cared much for the Hulk to begin with. Which of course makes it an uphill battle.