Thursday, May 18, 2006

"Comcast Hates Me"

For about the 6th time since I got cable at my apartment I am having issues with Comcast.

Last night I was watch Season 2 Rescue Me DVD, and when it finnished I wanted to check up on the fighting Phils. However, the cable was out and after unplugging the box and plugging it backed in (solves some of the problems) it was still not working. I got the icon for the box followed by a typical vauge error.

"These Advance Features are Not Available at This Time"

Appernently actually watching moving images with audio is considered an advanced feature by our friendly neighborhood monopoly. So, I resorted to calling up for help. The first guy told me that my box was "looking for signal" that wasnt there so it didn't know what to do. Also that it "might" be back up in a half an hour or so.

Of course since the guys response to me was based on basically nothing another episode of Rescue me later and I was back on the line.

This time I got a girl who gave me the same suggestions. She than told me that something must be really wrong, and pointed out to me I was getting no signal for my internet with. It's just dead.

Nothing we can do.

We dont know why this is happening.

The best thing they could do is send tech out Friday, during the day. But, I have this thing called a job. So I couldnt take the day off to wait for their idiot repairman. So, now that pushes it to Saturday which will likely sour my plans to go down the shore.

So, no cable, no internet for me. From this awful, awful company.

I used my sales skills to get them to take 20 bucks off my bills.

I will likely squander that at Happy Hour tonight, since im going straight to the country club after work.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like the quality of Comcast's service depends in large part on where you live. I'm lucky to be in a good spot, because my digital TV service and hi-speed 'net access are virtually flawless. People in the same town as me--no more than five minutes away--complain about having really spotty service. Weird.

On the plus side, Comcast has gotten markedly better with their service calls. More often than not they are prompt and able to fix the problems quickly. At least, that has been my experience with them.

Still, I hope that Verizon will be able to come in soon. Competition can only help. [TL]

Anonymous said...

hey... it's nadine
comcast sucks... there's just no way around thing i've learned tho... is don't call the 800 number. call the local number, cause they are much more helpful than the morons at the national office.