Cast: Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell, Richard Dreyfuss, Jacinda Barrett, Emmy Rossum, Mike Vogel, Mia Maestro, Jimmy Bennett, Freddy Rodriguez, Andre Braugher, Ferrgi and Kevin Dillon. Director: Wolfgang Peterse
There are two kinds of movies you see at the theater sometimes. Those you go to see, and those you go to see because what you wanted to see was sold out.
This was one of the later, normally I would not have paid to see remake of a movie I liked. Certainly not a remake of a Gene Hackman movie. The original spawned a sequel and a mini-series remake on NBC a few months ago.
Going into a movie like Poseidon you know what to expect. It's just supposed to be a fun movie to watch, and if you have seen any disaster movies you know the rules. Lots of famous people, many of which will die. The jerks will all die.
The movie only gives you 20 minutes to find out who is who before the ship flips over and the action starts. Than its a game of who is going to die first. The movie is pretty much the same thing the original was. A ship is upside down and a bunch of people on board must band together and get the hell off. Like the original each person (some bigger than others) has a backstory and of course since its a remake there is a gay character.
A movie like this I cant tell anyone to go out and see right away. But it held my interest for the slim 90 minutes of running time. The actors did what was asked and the director does his best with this kind of film. In fact looking at his previous work I realized I hated most of his films, so I think this is his best.
As far as acting goes, really most the dialouge is about what to do next to not drown. So, there isnt much there.
Russel and Lucas play the dual hero part, Dillion is fun was the sleezy poker player, and Dreyfuss displays the most depth. I am also offically in love with Emmy Rossum.
Final Thought: It is mindless a popcorn movie. The action is pretty good, and I love Emmy Rossum.
Sometime this weekend: Tucker on the CODE
"of course since its a remake there is a gay character."
What?! What's that have to do with anything?
Its not uncommon for remakes with a big cast usally change one of the charcters to be gay in order to make it feel more up to date. Not a complaint just an observation.
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