So Warner Brothers said today that they have cast Heath Leadger as the Joker in the sequel to Batman Begins. I have only seen two of his movies, and he is a pretty good actor. But, I just can't picture this guy pulling it off.
I've only seen two of his movies, "The Brothers Grimm" and "Brokeback Mountain". He was very good in both, and the roles were a million miles apart. I bet he nails it.
I'm sorta disappointed, though... I was hoping for Christopher Eccleston.
I think he will be a good Joker...although, my brother wanted Vince Vaughn to get the part.
I've only seen two of his movies, "The Brothers Grimm" and "Brokeback Mountain". He was very good in both, and the roles were a million miles apart. I bet he nails it.
I'm sorta disappointed, though... I was hoping for Christopher Eccleston.
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