Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"The Return of Tucker's World"

Well I was down the shore for a week and had no internet during that time. So, that is why there was no updates. But rest assured both my readers Tucker's World is back! Let's see what happened since I last blog. Hmmm.. The whole World War III, got worse. The Phillies were in and out of the wild card race about half a dozen times. Rico retired. The new season of the sopranos was pushed off again. What else did we learn? Mel Gibson only hates Jewish people when he drinks. Everyone is excited about the upcoming movie Snakes on a Plane, which could be one of the biggest movies of the summer. Oh, yeah a bunch of terrorists almost blew up a bunch of planes, but the bleeding hearts are still pissed that the government wants to listen in on our phone conversations.

What, else what else, what else...oh yeah. I keep finding Spiders in my apartment. What is up with that? Okay, I know its summer and there is a lot of woods near where I live. But, even still it seems like every morning I kill a spider before most people have their first cup of coffee.

I mean it would not be such a big deal if it was the same kind of spider. Like, oh maybe Tucker just has a huge family of spiders living with him. But thats not the case, they are like all different kinds. Big ones, hair ones, green ones, long legged ones. I came home from work the other day and there was actually a camera man from the Discovery Channel was filming aspider in my bathroom.

He was saying excitingly into the camera.

"Wow I have never seen a this species before!"

Anyway both my readers, Tucker's World is back.


Anonymous said...

An average human eats (on average) 11 spiders a year while sleeping. ummmm ummmm. Arrrgh, Jaws eats a whole lot more! Like about a gazillion.

keith said...

Ed is that you? Where the heck have you been? Are you done fighting the Amish or whatever you were doing?

keith said...

Killed another one after I wrote this before bed, and one more this morning before work. Again two different kinds.

keith said...

Did you refer to a kind of snake and planes in the same comment on purpose?

Jenna said...

Keith, can't you tell your landlord about your spider problem. We had an ant issue and the next day the exterminator was there and we haven't had an issue since then.

keith said...

I killed about 6 more spiders I wrote that. I am sure at ate more than 11 spiders this year already.