Monday, August 21, 2006

"Twas the Night Before Doomsday"

August 22nd is supposedly a much feared day of terrorist attack. Thats a lovely thought. Apperently something "major" is going to happen. I can't help but shake a feeling recently that there is going to be an attack gain on US soil. Maybe the whole foiled plot last week got me thinking of it or that fact that its coming up on 5 years since 9/11. Read here to see why people a lot smarter than me think something big is coming. Its been 5 years, for most people 9/11 might as well not have happened, not that we should live in a contant state of fear, but at the same time I think the terrorists will eventually find a weak link.


Anonymous said...

Metroplex will protect us!

keith said...

There is a link sent me from a read.