Not sure why it takes forever and a day for Baseball to come out with this but, earlier today Ryan Howard was named major league baseball's MVP. A great honor for Howard, who clearly earned it. His power hitting kept the Phillies season alive right till the end. He made the team fun to watch for the first time in years. How about that? Got some good news for our teams for a change.
What was it again 12 weeks till spring training?
I am sure Ryan Howard loves to read my blog, so by all means let him know how happy you are for him.
Don't worry I will block any offensive comments Micheal Richard's has in store for him.
As I said to John, this is a consolation prize and they can keep it.
Also, time for a change with the Flyers. Trade them all.
Combined, the Eagles and Flyers have precisely 1 more win than the Scarlet Knights.
It's all too much for me to take.
Why should they keep it? Its not like them not giving Howard the MVP was going to change things and make us make the playoffs.
He deserved it big time. Do you really think the gave it to HOward, because "They felt bad" for us?
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