Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Home is Where the 24-Hour Diner Is"

So for about 3 weeks, it looked as if Rick was going to have to move to DC area for his work. Many a night he weighed his opitons without his work giving him any idea how much the position would pay. Of course he could not make up his mind if the paid him peanuts for the move and the job down there. So, the last 3 weeks we figured we would live it up Price usually would join us and we cranked up the drinking a notch. In order to make the most of what was likely to be his final days as a South Jerseyan. Turns out, eh, they likely are going to close the branch they wanted to move him to, and it all fell through. So, all that living in the moment stuff turns out to have just been a bunch of heavy drinking. Sorry liver.

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