Growing up on the show the transformers like many other kids my age, for whatever reason its one of the cartoons I can still watch and care about as an adult. I have all the original cartoons on DVD from the 1980's. But, its not just me most of my friends still love the series (though many of them like me have not watched the different verisions more modern additions on the cartoon network that have aired since the 90s) and I guess the people in hollywood realize that because they are making a new movie this summer.
Even times with guys I don't know the movie will start being talked about a 30 mins conversation about the show will start. Talking about the time the bad guys almost drilled through the earth, the impact the first movie had on you as a child(if you really loved Wheel Jack, I don't maybe you were close to tears as a 7 yearold seeing it for the first time over Craig MOffitt's house. I am not saying that was me or anything though). I guess it doesn't usually appeal to females all that much, but for some reason this series has stuck with most guys all these years. If guys needed another reason to see this movie (I still think it might suck). The girl in this picture is in the movie, and if you want to see a less work friendly picture of her click here.
that was a very memorable birthday party. (you find funny stuff when you google yourself)
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