For 7 Seasons Scrubs has been getting a raw deal. One reason was that SCrubs is made by Touchstone who is owned by Disney who owns ABC. But... ..Scrubs is on NBC! This is one of the reasons why Scrubs is the only show not shown in HD. Touchstone doesn't want to pay for it, because they don't get any money off the first runs of the show. NBC, doesn't want to pay for it either, they dont get any money off the DVDS or reruns. SO, NBC has knocked poor Scrubs to different nights and time slots over it's 7 years. Once, it didn't run till Mid-season and most times it doesn't air till November or October. The other reason was so-so ratings at best. This season was going to be different though. You see series creator and writer was promised by NBC, that they could come back for a 7th and final season. It was down to the wire at the end of last year,and oddly enough ABC was going to be pick it up if NBC didn't. But since the show always got lousy ratings it was almost cancelled two or three other times. Despite the ratings the fans are very loyal. Like many of the shows I love, the fans are hardcore, but it never hit real mainstream and we had to live in fear of it getting axed all the time. Scrubs fans were fired up for season 7! Bill Lawerence and star Zack Braff had promised to return to the shows routes where it was more grounded. There was going to be a tad more drama like in the earlier seasons. The final 19 shows would also bring back various wacky characters we met over the years. Now like it or not, there is a writers strike, and Bill Lawerence has joined the striking writers. The network wanted him to rush together a last show the week before the deadline, but he refused. There are roughly 5 shows that have not been written yet. This was going to be when the story got wrapped up. Many people think the strike will go to June or July. At this point all the contracts of the actors will be up and Scrubs will never get a true final show. After, all these years. All these close calls the shows plug will still be pulled before we find out of JD gets that hug from Dr. Cox, The Janitors name, if JD will ever man up and not be a deadbeat dad, or if there is more than just "guy love" with JD and Turk. Lawerence, has promised to do his best to get the final shows made for the fans. He said he will go to ABC in hopes they will air them if NBC doesn't, or put them straight on DVD. That however, would require use of the hospital set (its actually and old hospital) and all the cast members signing on. That is likely not going to happen. It just sucks for Scrubs fans and although he writers will eventually win and get their way. The fans are likely to lose once again. Lawerence will live off his SCrubs and Spin City money and the fans will be screwed. Kicked in the balls by both the studio and the writers.
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