Monday, March 03, 2008

"26 Days"

Ok, ok its only 10:38 so its really still 27 days. But by the time you read this its 26 days.


Anonymous said...

Amen, brother, amen!

I'll be there on the 29th. [TL]

Anonymous said...

Eat more Tastykakes, Bitch.

MosBen said...

Ah yes, I love this time of year; when the sky's the limit and the Phils can do no wrong. I also equally love around, say, late May/early June, when the Phils all suck and should be fired wholesale, the sky is falling, and there may in fact be no God. Then phase 3, around August, where the Phils are gods again, racing towards they're much deserved World Series championship. It's around this time that the Flyers are almost certain to win the Cup.