Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Make Tracks"

So, after the Flyers were wrecked by the Penguins. Coach John Stevens had all the Flyers lockers swapped around. This really confused the White and Black (we dont wear Orange anymore) when the returned home! The players were all use to who their stuff was next to. Everything was mixed up! This was in order to get players to talk to other guys they normally dont talk to.

Thats odd though. Do you think the guys just form friendships based on who has their locked next to them? Like Jeff Carter, still hadn't had a chance to meet Scott Hartnell or something?

Anyway, I came up with some other ideas John Stevens should try.

During a game, have the Sixers sitting in the locker room in there jerseys.

That way as each player reported to the locker room at the WATCH OVER YOU center, they would think they had the wrong night and the Sixers were supposed to play. Have all the Sixers say WHAAAA when the Flyers walk in. Also have Hip-Hop the Sixers mascot shrug each time someone walked in.

Since Mike Rathje refuses to retire and we still pay him millions of dollars to do nothing. HAVe him dress as a bear and try to tackle Riley Cote to the ice during a skating drill.

paint the bluelines red and the redlines blue.

Pretend Bonnie Lindros has bought the team. ALso, that she wants them to lose so they can move the team to FLorida when attendance drops to a certain level.

Bring back Andy Delmore

At the end of each game a player is "voted off". Each played writes a name down and casts a vote!

Everyone on the team will call Downie, Uppy, and Uppy, DOwnie

Bring back Andy Delmore

Coach Stevens will wheel a tv into the locker room after a game, and tell them they are watching Slap Shot. But he will put on Slap shot 2. AT the locker room door have. Bob "The Hound" Kelly and Dave "brownie" Brown stand there to kick the crap out of anyone who left. I bet Brown could kick the crap out of some of our players still actually. Even though his neice sucks at board games. Than again when you play against the dream team of Jay and myself, you have no shot.

Tell JIm Dowd, Foppa is coming back.

play the Hartford defeat song everytime Kappy steps on the ice.

Anyone else got some ideas?!?

NOte to readers: I could not think of a good title for this blog entry. So I picked a random Transformers epsiode title

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