Friday, September 20, 2002

"War... What is it Good For?

Well this topic could not go unreported on Tucker’s world any longer. Seeing as where it has dominated the news for weeks. President Bush (Mr. Bush for you ABC news viewers) wants to squash Iraq like a bug. However, the UN is not as fired up about this idea and neither are a lot of the other countries in the world. Granted some of them close the Iraq might not be too comfortable about speaking publicly about it and could possibly aid us later down the line. But with all the talk and hype what happens the next couple of months will certainly have a long-term impact on this country.

Now I am not in the FBI and I don’t work for the New York Times so I’m not in the circle of trust that the president is in. So I know my opinion is based on just what I can read in the papers (excluding some extreme liberal columnists who seem to know all the facts). However, one of the reasons why I postponed addressing this topic on this site, is because I honestly didn’t know if we should “Attack Iraq”. I was honestly hoping that Bush would have pulled an “ace” card when he met with the UN recently. Saying “YEAH THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!” I thought he would provide concrete evidence that Iraq is a real threat. It was the same old song and dance though. However people that think that Saddam is about as harmful to the US as Ryan’s pug are being naive. It’s a amazing people could still be 100 % on a subject like this post 9/11. . We did for no good reason let our weapon inspectors leave Iraq a few years ago. That basically put us in this position. Although there is not concrete evidence linking Saddam to AL- Quida, he does gas his open people, kill anyone who gets in his way and had his own son murdered. He did reportedly meet with high-ranking Al-Quida members on occasion, and gives money to families of suicide bombers (notice I didn’t say homicide).

The war on terror is not as black and white as people would like it to be. One thing I hear over and over again in the media and on TERMINUS (I’m still hurt that I’m not on the sites I like column.) is that Bush has made the war on terrorism complicated. It has often being compared to the war on drugs…okay I can see the logic there. However it is not as if Bush made this complicated. It is simply a complicated situation. Something that can’t be ignored or just nonchalantly forgotten about. Look at what just happened in Buffalo this week. This war on America is far from over. I have heard reports that Al-Quida are hiding out in Iraq. It’s hard to believe everything you hear though. However, I honestly think that Bin Laden has been dead and gone for several months now. I would not be surprised if the government already knows this. If terror cells are being trained in Iraq, than we must go in there.

If you weed a garden you can either use a weed whacker, and let it grow back. Or you could pull it out by the roots so it doesn’t come back. The 2nd choice is a bigger pain in the ass, but more effective. Iraq will let us in to inspect there weapons (in a few days oddly) but only at certain places. That’s like letting your suspicious girlfriend check your apartment, but not your bedroom.

On the flip side there is a pretty good chance that Saddam is just minding his own business and only has intentions of blowing up and killing people in the middle east. Perhaps he has weapons of mass destruction (not Lima Beanz’s muscles) and will only use them in the even of a US attack. If this is the case all hell is likely to break lose in the next year. Perhaps the US has grown paranoid and too imperialistic and an attack on a country that has not invaded anyone (at least not recently) or attacked us first could turn the whole middle east against us. Bush has come across a tad too aggressive when addressing the issue lately ( not to mention making an fool of himself botching up a famous saying as seen on the Daily Show). An article in the Philly Daily News a few months back pondered if we were in world war III since Sept 11th (some even debate the cold war was world war III making this one IV, but that’s kind of a stretch.). If Iraq and the US start going at it will might be less of a debate. I certainly don't want american troops to die unless this war has to be fought. I know several people who are likely to see action if this war does happen.

So Bush can go in there, crush Saddam and piss a lot of people off. Or maybe we just cool off. Maybe no war happens at all. But maybe one morning when your drinking your morning coffee, to your horror when you turn on the news you realize that perhaps we should have done something. Perhaps you will think how could we be asleep at the wheel again? How many more innocent people must die before we learn our lesson to ante up and prevent another Sept 11th? The blood certainly wouldn’t be on Bush’s hands. But that of all the critics.

I still have no certain what we should do. I would feel a lot more comfortable and be able to get behind the war effort if an “ace” card was provided. Not that I’m a bleeding heart liberal now these days, but I haven’t been sold on the whole plan just yet. But all the trash talking we did it almost seems like we are obligated to take action. That would be a mistake if we don’t have that “ace” card. I’m glad the only decision I have to make is what to get at Starview. However in this case you can’t have Bar B Q sauce and honey mustard.

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