Friday, March 07, 2003

“Human Speed-Bumps”

Okay I am all for freedom of speech, and protesting something or cute little catchy chants. But there is a fine line between making a statement and just becoming royal pain in the ass.

A few days ago there were many local students college and high school that decided to walk out and protest the pending (possible) war with Iraq. That’s fine and dandy, although I’m sure several students simply did it in order to make the absentee total high enough to merit class being cancelled. Heck I walked one time in grade school once for some reason that I don’t recall. All I knew was the person who lead the revolt was Sharon Hiley, the kind of girl (10 years ago anyway) that got all the guys out of their seat. I think it had something to do with her getting detention or something. Who knows, but I doubt half of them actually believed in the cause.

Anyway a few days ago some smart-asses came up with the idea of laying in front cars in the city of brotherly love. I guess this was a cheap ploy to get on TV (it worked most local network affiliates got footage of the event), but when they are causing traffic snarls that’s simply just interfering with other peoples daily life. Christ I am not sure an Anti-War protest needs anymore coverage I have seen more articles and seen enough footage to fill a small museum. Now before you jump all over my pasty white back of course its important for them to get coverage! I am just saying it’s not like its something we are unaware of, anyone that cares about the future of the country is aware of this.

Now if some dude was laying in front of the tempo and I was late for a job interview it would have gotten ugly. After politely telling him to pick his ass off the pavement and not getting a response I would resort to yelling. Than I would result to kicking him in the ribs repeatly at least he would look like a hypocrite if he came swinging. I even saw a poor woman yelling at the people that she agreed with them and she just wanted to get through. I don’t know what Joe Public is going to do due anyway to please the protester. Why don’t they just engulf the White House and sing folks songs holding hands.

Now we have an incident where highschoolers turned a walk-out protest into a miniature looting fest. They broke windows and shelves in a Mobil gas station and stole merchandise. The event also disrupted traffic like in Philly. I am not saying protesters are all going to start trouble, but you have to figure kids are going to be protesting just to protest. It’s the teenager code in many aspects. Okay, you won’t stand of violence or a WAR FOR OIL, but you do stand for destruction and stealing snickers? Anyone that can manage such a complicated issue to NO BLOOD FOR OIL is certainly over simplifying. Are things going to get out of hand again? Are we going to have water hoses being aimed at protestors again?

Say what you want to say, but don’t put others in danger or jump in the faces of other students on a college campus screaming stuff at them. Give them literature if you desire its about educating not forcefully shouting silly catch phrases or causing destruction for attention. I haven’t decided what side of the fence I have fallen in, but I guess I should soon so I know what to pain on my chest for CNN. Speaking of painting chests, does anyone know what happened to Sharon Hilly?

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