Monday, July 05, 2004

"Odds Are"

I had a planned to write a few on people's distain for AMerica(I started will finnish later this week) and a review on the TERMINAL. However, fatigue and laziness kicked in so I am going to run odds for the nomintaion of VP that John Kerry is supposed to name his running mate. So, this should be helpful for anyone placing bets. Keep any mind I am fairly tired so some of the selection might not make any sense.

John Edwards 3/1

Dick Gephart 5/1

Wesley Clark 6/1

Hillary Clinton 7/1 (I really wouldn't be surprised about this one at all)

10/1 Bill Cliton.

14/1 Bill Nelson

20/1 Howard Dean

25/1 John McCain

29/1 Al Franklin

35/1 Joe Liberman (I like the man, but the two would clash over too much. Might be a good way to go for the on the fence voters though.)

40/1 Micheal Moore

55/1 Megatron

66/1 Smarty Jones!

85/1 Mike Price

90/1 Andrew "Drew" Vogel

140/1 Ashley Olseon

240/1 Marlon Brando

350/1 Howard Dean

I would also like to say whoever can pick this (time is wasting it will happen first thing tomorrow it looks like) will be rewarded 10 Tucker's World points. Whoever, has the most points as of Labor Day wins something cool!

We need to be commenting more loyal readers! How come no one chimed in about the poor Pug? I know the comment section was down for sometime over the weekend. PLease share your stories about the beloved Pug.


Unknown said...

Only Republicans think it's even possible that Kerry will pick Hillary. I would seriously be less surprised by a Megatron pick than a Hillary pick.

Anonymous said...

I am going to vote for Edwards. In fact, I bet my car that it will be Edwards. In fact, I bet my first born son (and only) that it will be Edwards.

Nice idea stealing the point system from Drew, at least there might possibly be a prize at the end though.


Jenna said...

I am really glad it was Edwards seeing as we would be handing the Baby of Extreme Intensity over to Keith. I would really miss the booger and Jay would have been in more trouble than he could ever imagine. We wouldn't want to see the wrath of Jenna

keith said...

AOL users please cut and paste and read the site through microsoft internet explorer again or netscape.....AOL sucks, and isnt always displaying John and John, or Missing Cicadas the two new posts.