Thursday, September 09, 2004

"Drew Can I Sue?"

First off I would like to thank all my readers for commenting on the fake Prez. :::ciccadas chripping::

Well today I am going to start a new feature on my blog called Drew Can I Sue? The idea is to ask long time reader Drew legal question hoping to find out a good lawsuit I can have in order to strike it rich and quit my job. All I need is a shady lawyer and simple minded jury. Given all the lawsuits out there I am sure I can hit a cash cow sooner or later. Hopefully Drew will comment on here and let me know how much water my lawsuits hold. Other readers make sure you read the whole thing in order to answer to questions intended for all readers. So here it goes time to play DREW CAN I SUE?

Case File # 101

Like most people I often eat a meal at Wawa once a week or so. Now everytime I use their new computer to build myself a sandwitch of some sort the last thing it askes is if I want Bacon. Now isn't this trying to get me to eat unhealthy? I mean it isn't up to me to figure out if bacon is bad for me or not right? Shouldn't Wawa be at fault? Here I am trying to eat well and WAWA has to ask if I want Bacon? Are they mocking the jewish at the same time? I'm highly offended and if I keep saying YES then I could have a heart attack and die.


Case File # 102

Leading up to Labor Day Weekend (assume they still are) the state of New Jersey was running ads about how cops are cracking down on drunk drivers. They should 3 NJ residents getting pulled over and trying (and failing) to get away with driving while drunk. You know the ad, teh bad acting everyone saying, "Oh, I only had one or two!"

Here is the kicker they are all males! How VERY Sexist. What women don't drive drunk? All men are stupid and would do something to harm people the love and other innocent motorists? I am highly offended that such sexisim would be displayed saying only males get DUIS!


Case File # 103

The FLyers were supposed to start around the season around my b-day. Liza was going to get me tickets! Now there is likely going to be a lockout. The Flyers ruined Liza's gift idea, and my birthday. What a bunch of jerks. I think I am never going to bounce back from this birthday downer.


Questions for the readers:

1. The other night while I was sleeping I woke up and my shoulder randomly popped out of the socket, not quite in a Martin Riggs way, but enough to notice. Is that normal? Or am I falling apart?

2. Do you want Bacon?

1 comment:

Jenna said...

i only want bacon if they offer it to me.
yes you are falling apart, don't forget me in your will.