Monday, March 21, 2005

"Smoke If Ya Gotta 'Em"

Well, perhaps some of you are checking my blog one last time before you head home for the night. Or are checking it between classes or whatever. As most of you know smoking could be banned in public places including casinos. Today the decision was flipping to the Senate. However, they decided to put off the decision on this to they would have more time to discuss the situation. Wonder what the real reason is, I mean I can't imagine that most people haven't already made up their minds. Maybe they are waiting for casino owners to walk in with a wheel barrel full of money or something.

Well anyway in the mean time by all means smoke your brains out from the bridges to the beach in the public buildings. As much as I am on the fence on this one. I seriously doubt I would worry to much about alienating smokers when I come home from the bar or casinos not smelling like an Ash Tray.

Well for more details check out this story from the Press of Atlantic City.


Anonymous said...

This stuff amazes me every time it comes up. California, Philly, Jersey, wherever. The argument is always the same: "banning smoking will ruin our business." So I guess that human health is less important than profit, right? It's okay to jeopardize the health of your employees and customers as long as money keeps rolling in, right?

That's the essence of the argument, and the essence of so many ills in this world. So long as profit is the chief motivator, you're always going to see smoking in public places, oil drilling in wildlife refuges, clear-cutting of rain forests, factory farms, rivers choked with pollution, smog-covered cities, etc.

To date, not a single scientific study shows that eliminating smoking from public places has any long-term negative effects on business. In fact, more often than not, it actually increases business once the shock wears off. I can't tell you how many restaurants and other public places my wife and I have walked out of as soon as we smelled smoke. I had to leave a concert early because none of us could deal with the second-hand smoke any more!

One of the most ridiculous smoking arrangements is the one inside the Crystal Lake Diner in Westmont. It's a great place, but the only way to get to the non-smoking section is to trudge through the smoking section. Worse still, the cashier and hostess stations are right there in the middle of the smoke! Even my kids come out of there smelling like smoke sometimes.

Second-hand smoke has been proven time and time again to be detrimental to human health. Why is the banning of smoking in public places even being debated? If it weren't for the raw power of the tobacco industry, this would be a slam-dunk for legislators! If we can ban the dumping of hazardous waste, why can't we ban the production of hazardous smoke in public?

On a related note, I'm still on the fence about legalizing weed. On the one hand, I think it's absurd that it was made illegal in the first place and that it's still outlawed. After all, the generation that's running the country is the one that was lighting up thirty years ago. I thought they'd be the ones to right this terrible wrong!

On the other hand, if it were legal, I'd be in BIG trouble. You think I'm fat and lazy NOW? [TL]

Unknown said...

Keith, I'm a big fan of keeping an open mind, but I'm kind of surprised that you are still on the fence on this issue. Care to elaborate?

keith said...

I think its just the fact that I am a non-smoker. I know 2nd hand smoke is bad for you. I just try to over compensate and try to put myself in the smokers shoes. Kinda of silly I guess. Never really thought about the workers too much till recently.

TL, Crystal Lake Diner is a pretty good spot.

Unknown said...

It's no Starview, but yeah, Crystal Lake is allright.

Unknown said...

It's no Starview, but yeah, Crystal Lake is allright.