Monday, March 28, 2005

"Wal-Mart Plan Gains Ground"

The plan to build the Wal-Mart could be gaining ground which would green light the overhaul of the mall. In fact without it the mall would die. Apperently, most if not all of the business owners in the mall have jumped on board. Wal-Mart is willing to scale back. An oppinion piece in this weekends paper sheds some light on what the mall back on it's feet could do for the area tax wise. Explained better then I could, so just check it out. Time is ticking though. No date has been set (as far as I know) to have the town vote on the mall or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if the Wal Mart does fall throught then I bet we can expect to see a huge housing developement or another Main Street type complex in its place.