Saturday, April 02, 2005

"Pope John Paul, 1920-2005"

We saw it coming. Sad none the less the Pope is gone. On the bright side if you believe in heaven and hell (Its okay if you don't. ) you would agree that he is in better place now. He seemingly has been suffering for a long time. Don't know if any of my readers are catholic which it might have hit harder. Well now we get to see something that most of us were too young to see before or follow the naming of new pope. It will be different I think since he will likely be drastically younger than what we were used to. No reason to link an article, just pick up the paper, look on the net, watch the news channels for the next 72 hours. They will even have pictures unlike this humble blog.


Anonymous said...

What amused me the other day is how people said that the Pope looks so serene. People, he's fucking dead, okay? He's not serene, he's preserved.

I liked the guy and was saddened to see that vital, robust man reduced to a shadow of his former self by the simple ravages of time. He deserved better.

Of course, atheists would probably say "this proves that there is no God, because he was left to suffer like that for so long". The Christian counterpoint would likely be "it was God's will".

Whatever. I have my beliefs, you have yours. A good, decent man is gone; a man loved by millions. Fare well. [TL]

Jenna said...

Actually TL, he isn't preserved. He was laying there rotting as people walked by him to pay their last respects.

Anonymous said...

Actually, we're both right. The preservatives can only do so much. His rate of decomposition would have been much higher without the enbalming fluid.

What a nice thought. I think I'll have lunch now. [TL]