Monday, June 06, 2005

"Angelo's Anger"

Radio personalities Angelo Cataldi and Howard Eskin are going toe-to-toe. You would think that they were on rival radio stations. Actually they are both on 610 WIP. I am not sure how it started(and it wasn't the first fight), but Howard really pissed off Angelo.

Not only does Angelo deny this being a cheap radio stunt, he has recently ripped into Howard on this webpage. It reminds me of the old crewblog days when we would just cut each others throats in cyber space. Perhaps Lima Beanz ghost wrote this one.

Could be interesting to see what happens. Howard recently left NBC 10 News, where he anchored on the weekends, and can be seen as a judge on UPN 57's Gimme the Mike. A low budget local American Idol.


Anonymous said...

For the life of me I cannot remember what Eskin got suspended for. Does anyone remember?

I am with Angelo all the way, I cannot stand Eskin he is such an ass. He has the worst show on the radio, because there is no discussion. If you disagree with anything that he says, he calls you a moron and cuts you off. It is like listening to O'Liely and that bitch Hannity. The only thing that he is good for is spouting out the company line and talking to shitty, loud-mouthed third sting wide receivers.


keith said...

He slandered a coach of some team or something. I also think its really creepy when Howard starts talking boderline dirty to the perverted woman who call him up. I dont know maybe he pays hookers to act like they want him, since I can't imagine any female actually wanting him.

Its, very stomach turning. He will talk out her body, and flirt.

Angelo does it to, but doesnt cross the line as much. Although, I have seen him get carried away.

Anonymous said...

The women thing is a little creepy, but the racism thing gets a little annoying. He does not go as far as to call someone a nigger but if you listen it is quite obvious how he feels about blacks.


keith said...

With Howard or Angelo?