Monday, July 25, 2005


Most people have us nailed down for 96 or 97 degrees tomorrow. I think we have a real shot of hitting 100 at least in some areas. Down south they are already pegged for it. The heat index is 100-110 for tomorrow.

I will give anyone 20 bucks if they litterally try to fry and egg on the street, succed and send me pictures. Of course you have a deadline till tuesday at midnight. It doesnt count if the egg doesnt fry. Try it on the street or a parking lot. Might get her cooking up good.

Read here from your air conditioned office at home about the un-godly heat.


Jenna said...

My whole day at work today I was sweating! I couldn't get comfortable and the heat is totally getting to my brain! I gave my boss the wrong number for a client 3 times. He finally had to call me to see if I was ok.

Anonymous said...

From the infinite wasteland that is Iraq.....

100? WOW!

Last week the high here was 135 degrees. Thats One-Three-Five. Remember to take a knee and drink water.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Here in England the air is fresh and the grass is green. Yesterday it rained all day. Back in June our weather was also sweltering but I must say there is a lot to be said for the freshness of a temperate climate. Here when the sun shines, he is our friend not a raging enemy beaming down from the sky. Good luck frying an egg in the sunshine but I prefer a frying pan.