Monday, July 25, 2005

Summer Movie Files 205: Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Okay, I really don't like it when movies are remade of films, that I think still stand up today. It really annoys me.

However, since TIm Burton is a great director. I was willing to see this. Burton went off the deep end in the late 90's and adpated The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Sadly, though and oddly, he went against every Burton instict and Hollywoodized the story. Adding an annoying kid for no reason, made the hero a dectieve not a teacher who accidentally stumbles across the legend, and making just an awful movie. On top of that he remade The Planet of the Apes, resulting in an unwachable mess that put me to sleep all 3 times. I attempted to watch it.

Thankfully, Burton returned to form with Big Fish. So, I was ready to forgive him.

Anyway, Im told Burton didn't want to remake the movie, but wanted to adapt the book better. Burton's style certainly gels good with the borderline creepy story of a grown man being sadistic to a bunch of brats.

Although Johnny Depp, looks a bit too much like Micheal Jackson playing the role. He is pretty good as Willie Wonka. The difference between him and Gene Wilder is Depp's verision has a little less heart. He is more of a social outcast and bitter than Wilder's Wonka who was more or less a goofball who had his heart in the right place, but was missing a few buttons.

The additions to the story are what you would expect from Burton. Fleshing out his childhood, and showing that Wonka was missunderstood.

Visually the film is breath taking and times looks like a moving painting. Burton has the ablitiy to make his films almost hyponotic combined with the genius music of Danny Elfman. I saw this movie on an IMAX theater which made it that much better.

The music is updated, and the lessons to the kids are made to be more meaningful in todays society. The ommpa-Lommpas are played by the same guy. The music is enteraining, but instead of looking like freaky clowns he looks like a drug pusher at times.

I could debate which film is better, I might still have to go with the first one.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

My brother is in the process of reading the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but he says that it is way off. I don't know anything about the book, I just want to see the differences in movies.