Saturday, July 02, 2005

"NHL to go Extreme"

So, supposedly the NHL should make public their new CBA next week. A few weeks later than their intended Mid June deadline.

In case you didn't notice the a hockey player made national news since the first time someone almost killed someone on the ice. This time it was Jemery Roenick, who was seemingly disgruntled over his player's union not accepting a better offer back in the winter.

Gary Bettman kicked the union's ass. They are accepting an offer (supposedly) with a far lower salary cap than the one offered that almost resulted in a short season. JR mispoke when he said fans should understand that they are doing everything to improve the game. Well, not really. The fact that they didn't accept the owners offer which resulted in a lockout had nothing to do with improving the game at all. Just improving the player's wallets.

Under the new CBA there will be far less money to go around. But, don't worry every single player in the entire league will make far more in a year than most people make in 5 or more. JR also added that the fans who think the players are spoiled should kiss his ass.

Actually, since the NHL robbed us of a season and has been giving the middle finger to their loyal fans for almost a decade perhaps they should be kissing our asses. JR has tried to get out of hot water the days that followed it. Don't let him fool you, it was always about money. Most the players were perfectly willing to sit out an entire season. It wasn't untill they noticed no one in the world cared.

Anyway, when the game comes back they will make it more "extreme" and "in your face." The owners want to "take it to the max" with new rules that will drastically change the game. The NHL clearly could care less what their actual real loyal fans want.

The new rules will eliminate the red line for two line passes, making their purpose only for icing. Which should increase scoring with players cherry picking. Icing itself will be no touch like they play over seas. Which I always hated. This is so the players don't get boo-boos when they run into each other trying to wave off the icing.

They will also shrink goalie equipment.

However, the most drastic move it to eliminate all ties. The game till still go into a 4 on 4 OT like we are used to. Than at some point (not sure when) it will morph into a 3 on 3. Than if no one still scores they take it to the max and have a shootout. I am sure they will play loud club music and make it really EXTREME.

The standings will have shootout wins and losses instead of ties. Any goals registered during shootouts will not count at for the players scoring. However, its true the game will never be the same.

In addition supposedly, lots of different companies are going to produce team jerseys. The rumor is that many of the Jerseys will be more extreme and neon colored.

When I heard shootouts were likely to be offically added. I said to my father that I had watched my last hockey game. The game I loved is offically dead. Perhaps, that was a knee jerk reaction and I should give it a chance.

What does everyone think of the new rules?


Anonymous said...

"They should turn periods into quarters."

Guess who I am.

Anonymous said...

The overtime rules and the shootout are retaded, but I like the elimination of the two-line pass. If a player wants to cherry-pick, that is fine that just means that one man is open on the defensive end. That could lead to an increase in scoring on both sides of the ice.

I also like the reduction in size of the goalie equipment, that is an underrated change.

But the biggest rule change that was apparently ignored was the elimination of the clutching and grabbing that has KILLED scoring. The refs NEED to call more obstruction penalties and kill the kind of defensive strategy that led to the Devils winning two Stanley Cups (I honestly forget the name of this because it has been so long). Until they fix this very little will change.


keith said...

Jay, I don't know if you were joking or not.But the name of that system is the trap. Not unlike the band that Rich Arter leads.

Yeah, why bother talking about the trap? They promised to call the clutching and grabbing more two years ago. It lasted for about two weeks. They even were going to suspsend refs who sucked at calling it. Never came close to happening.

I imagine the elimination of the red line could easily help water down the trap. I mean wingers can glide towards the boards and use a lofty pass to their centerman who would be much deeper into the zone.

The OT thing they should have held off on. Too much change at once. Keep in mind a good deal of the players this season you likely never heard of.

Oh, as for the mystery poster. I would guess Harry "Old Mantis" Boller. Since he personally knew about how much it would irk me back in the day when we watched games religiously at my house and someone would ask what quarter the game is in.

John said...

They need to address one thing, the dramatic decrease in scoring over the last 5 years. Adding this overtime won't do anything, it'll give fans a reason to watch Sportscenter while they don't want to watch the game.

The stats I have showed that the NHL had an average of 8.3 goals per game in the mid 80s and it was down to 5.3 goals per game in the '98. Adding a shootout won't do this.

The other changes will, which is good. If these work, then there's no reason to ahve this shootout.

Unknown said...

JR's right... everyone who thinks the players are spoiled should kiss his ass. I don't know why everyone is so quick to lash out at players for wanting to be paid. Their talent, their skill, and their hard work is translate into millions and millions of dollars for incompetent money-grubbing business execs who nearly killed hockey to rescue them from the consequences of their own greedy over-reaching.

Do hockey players deserve to make millions of dollars for playing a game, when ordinary Americans are actually doing real work for a fraction of the reward? No, of course not. But that's capitalism for you. If you don't like it, start a revolution. What do the owners do that's so fantastic that they deserve to make millions and millions off the player's efforts? Why is that fair?

Yes, kiss JR's ass. Kiss it.

Unknown said...

The new overtime rules are stupid. If two teams play for sixty minutes and the score is tied, that's a tie. What's wrong with a tie? Unless it's the playoffs, where there must be a winner for obvious reasons, there is nothing wrong with a tie. I don't think any sport should ever have overtime except in the playoffs.

I realize that Americans hate ties, so that'll never happen. But 4-on-4 isn't hockey, 3-on-3 certainly isn't hockey, and a shootout isn't remotely like hockey. Why not break ties by playing one-on-one basketball, or Monopoly, or Go Fish?

keith said...

I dont really care about the ass kissing comment. I just dont like that he said the players were trying to fix the game.

The lockout had nothing to do with the players trying to fix the game.

keith said...

Drew, will you watch hockey when it comes back?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I will definitely watch hockey when it comes back, and I would encourage others to do so as well. I hate the NHL, and I kinda wish there had been a way for hockey to survive while the NHL had died, but I'm just glad to have hockey back. I'm really looking forward to next season, and by then, I'll think I'll be ready to forgive and forget.

I agree, Keith, that the lockout had nothing to do with fixing hockey. The players were trying to protect their paychecks, pure and simple, and good for them. I'm sorry it didn't work out better.

keith said...

The shootout thing is just way over the top.

It's also clear to me that the NHL is still sticking to their plan to market their game to other people. To try to get more ratings.

So, forget loyal fan Keith. We want that jack ass in buttmunch, Va to watch this after Nascar.

The only reason for this is to get people who don't give a damn about the sport to watch.

I am fine with the game with ties. Or OT wins, but they don't care.

Maybe, they will appeal to Dr. Who fans and have a monster come out at the start of every intermission. Only to excuse himself quickly, and basically appear for no good reason at all.

I am going to refer to the NHL as the NHL extreme from now on.

Anonymous said...

No! I am not Harry "Old Mantis" Boller. Guess again :)

keith said...

Jess Ivins...

Oh, yeah and another thing about JR. He made it sound like they "gave up a lot"

Actually, they got their asses kicked in a labor war. Owners have been losing money for years. What the players union lost was the result of misplaying their hand. Not them being good sports.

Just imagine if they avoided it this time last summer. The cap would be at least the mid 40s.

Anonymous said...

Strike two! I'm not Jess Ivins. Try again.

keith said...


If not could I get a hint?

Anonymous said...

No! I am not Steve.