Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"Katinas Wrath"

I have been super busy lately. So, there have been no updates. I am sure since I am such a weather buff, and usually blog about hurricanes people were looking here to see what I wrote. I had lots of long hours at work, so its been rough to blog.

Well, what can you say? They are saying the death toll could be in the thousands. The storm was just insane by hurricane standards. Its rare for Cat 5 to hit, and it was easily one of the worst places in the country for it to hit. Considering New Orleans is below sea level.

What can be done for the soaring Gas prices? To fix the floods?

I really wanted to post a video of the man who lost his wife in the floods, but for the life of me. I could not find it online. CNN has it, up its just random commericals. I am really starting to hate online news sites.

Anyway, if anyone can find it that and post he URL that would be great. Anyone has an interesting stories they saw on the news that would be good too.

Its just insane, how bad it was. The prime of the hurricane season is just starting.

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