From Yahoo News
Comedian Mike Myers was paired with West for a 90-second segment that began with Myers speaking of Katrina's devastation. Then, to Myers' evident surprise, West began a rant by saying, "I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they're looking for food."
While allowing that "the Red Cross is doing everything they can," West who delivered an emotional outburst at the American Music Awards after he was snubbed for an award declared that government authorities are intentionally dragging their feet on aid to the Gulf Coast. Without getting specific, he added, "They've given them permission to go down and shoot us."
All, I can say is this kind of crap disgusts me. Before, you go off saying Keith hates free speech, let me explain. There is a time and a place. I am sure WEst has the ability to get his views out there. If he doesn't he ought to fire his agent.
What kind of egotistical piece of turd turns a live benefit into their own political soap box? Please. You weren't asked to rant and rave, you were asked to help raise money. For his information National guardsman WERE BEING SHOT AT.
Response may have been slower than needed, but than again I was not there. I am not sure how difficult it was to get into a town where all the bridges were wiped out. I certainly don't see their waiting a justification for burning buildings or rapping innocent women.
Later he stated, "George Bush doesn't care about black people," the camera cut away to comedian Chris Tucker
In addition to the heart breaking stories of life lost and seeing the city look like something after the catylism. It makes me sick, hear we are nation trying to help Iraq to be more collapsed, and we look like a bunch of animals torching buildings and raping women. In addition, to surprised the world watching how rocked we have been by a Hurricane.
Osama must be doubled over laughing some place.
Keith, the only thing you got right was that we are helping to collapse Iraq. Why can't Kanye West say these things? He is right, it is disgraceful how long it took to get aid down there. That was the perfect time and place to say those things, people need to know how bad Bush has fucked this up. He is a disgrace.
There were reporters from all over the country in there and the government could not get a fucking helicopter in there? If this happened in Texas how long do you think it would have taken for aid to get there? 5 hours? 12 hours at most?
How many of those reporters made it in to cover the hurricane before it had landfall?
I guess you could argue that they could have sent the National Guard into New Orleans before the storm hit. However, they would have looked bad if a bunch of them drowned.
Keep in mind they arent super heros and having them be in New Orleans would have just resulted in the lost of my lives.
The response may have being delayed, perhaps because of the simple fact that for about roughly 12 hours, the story out of there was. "It could have been a lot worse"
Duke argued last night, that the government should have known what was going on, and just not gotten their information from CNN(which is what I think they actually relied on).
Thats a valid point, but whats the solution to that? Were we to have experts (no any shmoe would be wise enough to realize the Levies (sp?) were going to break.
Hell, the freaking mayor left town.
The people of New Orleans couldn't communicate anyway with no power, phones, and little or no cellphone service.
Lots of people dropped the ball here to some extent, but it's not fair to not put any of the blame on the state or hell the city.
You just don't get it. Nobody was asking them to stay in the city and face the hurricane. We are asking them to get in there quickly after all shit broke loose. Today was day six and today was the first day that the military showed up. Why did it take so god damned long? After any other hurricane, the military and national services are in immediately. Granted this was a worse hurricane, but six days is ridiculous, and shameful. That is what Kanye West was saying, and he is right.
George Bush hates midgets.
C. Rock
How can you hate migdets. They are an excellent source of entertaiment.
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