Sunday, October 23, 2005

"Ghost Cams"

Just in time for Halloween (Duke's fav. holiday) I am posting a link for GHOST CAMs. Apperently a new trend on the internet. These cameras are set up in supposedly haunted locations and are on for 24 hours.

One is of a library so you can randomly see old people reading if nothing else, another good one is of this dude's victorian house. So, why not try to capture a ghost or ghoul while at your office desk. If your boss askes you what you are doing, just reply simply davling in satan's domain and searching for evil.

Seriously though I check these out once in awhile since I found them a few days ago.

Now of course I am pretty cynical about this stuff, although I am really interested. I did find what looked to be a woman standing there in Camera 3 for victorian house (under old haunted house). Because it was my understanding from reading the site that he lived there (he does) I emailed him about the finding. There are instructions on how to "capture" a still and cut and paste it.

Because, it was dark the picture was fairly grianing so I asked him what it could be that actually looks like a woman. Here was his response.

Hi, I have seen it quite a few times. In the filessection of the group I have a voice recording taken inthis area where I ask if she sould tell me what shewas waiting for, and a voice answered "No" it'snot just you.-david

Spooooooky,huh? So if you find a figure or ghost or gobblin follow the instructions and send it to him. I have the picture still saved if anyone wants it emailed to them. Of course keep in mind this is the internet the land of the hoaxes and con-artists. Also I found an image on this camera the night I found the webpage. What are the odds on that?

At any rate just click on my email link if you want a copy of it. The image whatever it was vanished when I reloaded the camera seconds later.

Happy Ghost Hunting.


Jenna said...

Why would anyone want to check out the spoiler...moron.

As for this website, sadly I could watch these images all day long.

Unknown said...

Crazy at it sounds, Jenna, some people like spoilers. Like me.

Jenna said...

Why? First of all, the only LOST spoiler that I have heard of that is out is that someone knows about the series ending episode and that it has something to do with the Nazis. I believe this is far fetched and I don't believe it for a second. Why would the creator of LOST give that info away? I love sitting on the edge of my seat week after week getting what little information they give to us. Maybe that is just as crazy as liking spoilers but I don't want to know what happens at the end, I like knowing what goes on in between first.

Anonymous said...

Jenna, you don't have to understand why someone would be interested in spoilers. You merely have to accept it. Different strokes and all that. [TL]

keith said...

Lost?!? What the hell?

Anyway, did anyone see any ghosts?

Jenna said...

I don't have time to sit here at work and look for ghosts all day but I would love to. I haven't seen anything yet.

Keith maybe you should blog about our ghost train experience. Even though the people that were in the car that night are the only people who believe what happened.