Saturday, July 08, 2006

"Biggest Movie Ever!"

55 Million and Counting it is not even Saturday Night Yet. That is in one day. Biggest Movie Ever....


Anonymous said...

No! No one goes to the movies any more! NO ONE!

Unknown said...

By the way, Keith, the Pirates sequel makes it pretty damn clear that Jack Sparrow isn't gay.

Jenna said...

I'd Fuck him!

keith said...

oh thank god, true now I can see it. You know how I fear Gays.

Actually in part 3, Sparrow states "I am a GAY Pirate" after the ship is rocked by a scandal. Turns out his firstmate is woefully underqualifed for his job.

Later he admits to having gay sex with random gay sailors at different Marinas.

Anonymous said...

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: Cursed In the Closet