Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"Sunshine Days"

Finally after endless miserable rain, darkness and cold winds the sun will return by at the latest noon today. Highs will be back around normal at the low 80's. My god this weather has been awful lately. Just soak you to the bone wet. Feels like mid-fall tonight with lows in the 50s.

Enjoy the next few days, because next week might be poopy again. If Tropicial Storm Florence does hit the US, it is going to spare the gulf and go up the east coast. I really think it will stay off the coast though, and don't think we need to worry, but who knows.

Okay, also I just want to make this clear. I didn't get my information from Pat Robertson and I am not writing this while I wait tables at some steakhouse.

Also, despite my increase in strange readers as far as I know there have been no escapes from Ancora.


Jenna said...

Of course you don't wait tables, because you are the sous chef!

Anyway, it looks like Florence is headed right for the Jersey/Delaware area. Of course it is still well out to see and it all depends on ocean currents and other storms and yada yada yada. But I think I find the weather just as fascinating as you. Part of me wants the sucker to hit us, but I don't want all the damage that comes with it.

Anonymous said...

What news are you people reading?

All the news I can find about Florence shows the storm not hitting the US at all, but trailing north.

keith said...

That is exactly what I said. If it was to hit us, it would hit the east coast (FLA to MASS)

As I said in the blog we shouldn't worry about it. It was pretty clear early on it would get sandwitched between two High Pressures.

But yeah, Jenna was right, if it wasn't for that it would have hit the north east.