Found a pretty amusing story about Bill Murray one of my all-time favorite actors here. Anyway while we are on the subject of Bill Murray. I would really like him to play a different role in his next movie.
I mean I really respect and enjoyed the different direction he took his career in over last 7 years or so. He was great in Rushmore, and I loved that movie. He played the kind of middle-age I hate my life type of role. Only problem is he keeps playing it. Lost in Translation (although I think Groundhog Day is a better performance) was really good, but I hated Broken Flowers. I think I really hated it mainly because I had seen this same character done better. Along the way he was totally wasted in Royal.. and Lost City put me to sleep about 50 mins into the film.
Now I know he is too old do roles ( he also looks about 10-15 years older than he is) like Caddyshack or Stripes anymore. But, I want to see smart-ass sarcastic Bill again. It's time to stop playing the dying on the inside Bill Murray depress but still occasionally funny role. Again, I did like he had the balls to try different things, it actually kept his career alive, and he can do drama. I mean if he didn't he would be put on "I thought he was dead lists" like Chevy Chase.
I would love to see him play off the younger generation of comic actors out there like Ben Stiller or Vince Vaughn. Life Aquatic was a step in the right direction playing off Owen Wilson but even still he played a depressed guy. I do think however it was likely his funniest movie since Kingpin. Murray would make a list of about 25 actors who I would watch anything and everything they star in. In fact I still have a few friends who want to cut my brakes for making us go see Charlies Angels.
At any rate this article is basically about Bill Murray randomly showing up at a part with a bunch of college age kids. 20 Tucker's World Point to anyone who knows that Murray movie the title of this article references. Mr. Murray if you are reading this you are more than welcome to come over for scary movie night.
here is the story.
Stripes, Francis.
I liked Groundhog Day better, because he had to be funny and serious.
Rushmore was actually a Wes Anderson movie too. Most Murray fans only didn't follow Murray any farther than that since they got even farther away from what they were used to.
You right, even bad films he is funny. There is a LOL moment big time in Larger Than Life.
Rumors have beena around the past few months that he is "retired". He told rolling stone I think it was this summer he was retired, but no one know if he was serious or not.
If he vanishes it wouldnt be the first time. He didn't do anything really bettween Ghostbusters and Scrooged.
I would love to see him play more for laughs. Who cares he didnt win an Oscar he has proven he can do drama.
Yeah, and you know what people like Pacino can't do comedy at all. I am trying to think of other examples of Murray not saying anything but getting laughs. I know there is a ton. If I think of it I will post it.
Razors Edge could have been really good if it was directed better. I always thought he would only do a sequel to Ghostbusters if they did Razors. Maybe I am wrong.
I know the movie ment a lot to him. IF you want to see a different kind ofrole for him but a supporting role Check out Ed Wood, Wild Things (many other reaons to check that out) or even Mad Dog and Glory.
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