Call it the reverse Tucker's World Jinx. Since I posted that the Eagles season was over and everyone should throw dirt on them, they have not lost a game. Not only that, they gave all the fans in the Philadelphia area a last second Christmas present by making the playoffs.
Back up Garcia has calmed the Birds a bit and thing have really come together. In addition to Garcia's solid playing, the team realized playing defense is a pretty good idea.
It is kind of hard to comment on the game since the NFL just had to have a game during Christmas and I didn't get to pay too much attention to all the plays. However, the time the Cowboys were a yard or two away from a touch down, and Eagles stood strong and prevented them from scoring just makes you realize this team is capable of what we thought.
So 3 weeks ago, people were saying, "There is always next year"
Now everyone is fired up and caught up in Eagles fever. One guy called up 610 earlier this morining, and was say dropping the "S-word" over and over again. People are putting their heart into this team, and hanging their hopes in the turn it around story of the year. What could possibly go wrong?
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