It was a historic day, Dec. 29th 2006. Although, I guess the date can be debated, but that it what day it was in America when Saddam got hanged by Iraq.
I have to say it was pretty crazy all the trials and BS we went through, and we hand him over to Iraq, who are just like: "Um, yeah we are going to kill him"
Seems like a pretty big waste of time sort of if you think about it. Anyway, He was horrible person and was the cause of so much suffering and death that I guess you could say he had it coming.
Seems like it happened pretty quick and some people didn't even know. When Rick and I were have our Friday night ritual conversation about "Whats going on tonight" I asked him if he was fired up for the Saddam hanging, and he had no idea what I was talking about.
Might go down for our age group as one of those "Where were you moments" I can always say I was at Dukes when it happened. Later this weekend I plan to post "Where were you moments" for me and my age personally that I think are what would be considered important moments of "our" times. But, I am too tired to do that now.
Anyway, one thing we learned about Saddam when he was in our custody, was he loved Doritos. He just loved those snacks. Kind of funny, this guy who was full of such evil and horrible ideas, and killed thousands of people, just loved the cheesy snacks.
You have to think that he was sitting there one day cursing our America, and "The Great Satan Bush" when he opened a fresh delicious bag of Doritios. Than he tried to fight back the enjoyment of it. But, as you know you can't eat just one. So, he went for another. I bet he had to fight back a smile of the American invention. Trying to remind himself how much he hated America. But at the end of the day, he may have had all these bad thoughts about us, but thought to himself, these Doritios are pretty damn good! Yeah, I might want to kill all Americans and kill people I don't like, but I just can't stop eating these buggers.
1 comment:
1 That cocksucker got off too easy.
2 Doritos are good.
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