I jumped on the show watching seasons 1-3 as they aired them leading up to season 4. I aboustely love the show. I now have all seasons except for season 6 part 1 on DVD. I will eventually get that one when the price of the 12 episode set comes down a little bit.
Season 6 part 2 kicks of SUnday April 8th. They added an additional show, so it will actually be a total of 9 episodes now. I am not sure if the finale will be supersized or not at this point. I am hoping for a 90 min show or maybe even 2hrs that would rock.
I love this show, I just love it. I am watching the DVDs and am on season 3. I hope to be able to predict what Tony is taking out of the fridge in each scene at one point. The music is great, the charcaters are great and I honestly think the show is still quality tv in season 6. Each season really has it's own personality. In fact season 4, most people hated because it was much darker in tone, but I loved it.
Season 6, is a bit more artsy at times and really about the characters most than stories, which pissed some people off. But, I tell them just got watch 24 if they are start complainig to me "nothing happens". Going back you can check out the minor characters a little better like Benny, Eugene and Vito. I always kind of liked Benny even though he got his butt kicked by Artie this season. Kind of reminds me of all the little guys that try to act all gansta.
Anyway, anyone that needs a refreshing on what happened to Johnny Sacs, Vito and Johnny Cakes fear not! HBO is running season 6 again! Starting a week from this Tuesday at 9pm! HBO will run the season 6 opener "Members Only" and the 12 shows from the first half of the season will pretty much bring you up to speed and lead you right into 2nd part of season 6.
Do yourself a favor if you have netflix, start from the season 1, there is still plenty of time. Just pretend that A&E never got the rights to the reruns. There is not way that show can even resemble the actual series. How will one of the greatest shows in tv history end? Only time will tell!
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