24 hours and for about the 5th or 6th time, Peter Forsberg has "unretired". For some reason he seems to think in the next 7days he might feel 100% again. Is he packing to touch down in PHilly again? Packing all this Flyers gear?
Who knows by the time you read this, I bet he retires again. Wait, I just got a google news alert. Foppa is offically hanging it up. Wow, breaking news as I am writing this so if you are reading it just as I posted it, you are learning here. Ignore the story you saw on the news tonight or what you heard the guys say during the game. Foppa is NOT coming back this season. Maybe, next season?
ACtually, it has just been made offical that PEter Forsberg is not going to make up his mind just yet. He thinks he might still be able to play for an NHL team. Many teams are stil in the running to get him. Including PHilly.
It turns out that PHilly will have to seek another way to end the 8-game skid, because Peter Forsberg has made it public that he WILL NOT come back. He is not confident about this healthy. He doesn't want to come back and let people down. I can understand and respect that. Hats off Peter the Great.
Get those Forsberg jerseys out of the closet. PEter is coming back to the NHL, and its very likely he will be a Flyer again. This gels with the rumor of Jason Smith being traded. That way Foppa can have his 21 back.
Bad News Flyers fan Peter Forsberg will NOT be returning to the NHL....
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