Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Stealing Abe"

So, I was down the shore all week. Which is always awesome. I honestly don't know how anyone could dislike the shore.

Anyway, I went out with my friend Justina Saturday night. We started out at a random bar in Somers point. I was pretty fired up, because I never went to those bars. We got there and I was ready to drink. We were meeting 3 of Justina's friends there. We waited in the parking lot of the one bar where one chick so we could all got to the actual bar we were going to spend the night at.

Justina and I waited while another girl in her car waited for the girl at the bar. Justina and I were parked in a way that appeared to block traffic in the parking lot as we waited. This went on for about what seemed like 10 Minutes and I just wanted to get a drink. It turned out she went out a different door and was on the other side of the bar waiting for us. So we all sat there waiting for each other in a parking lot. Odd misunderstanding, but nevertheless we were going to go a short distant down the road and drink!

We went to the next bar, and it was really cool. It had a nice deck bar. I was reaching for my money ready to get my first drink of my vacation. It wouldnt happen. One girl in the group freaked out. That she "didnt like the age of the crowd, it was too old.".

I scanned the bar and it looked like all 20 somethings to me. Certainly guys a lot younger than me. Granted EVERY shore bar you are going to get people their 40s and up drinking, because they are on vacation. Whatever, I didnt get my beer. Next thing I know we were going to drive to margate which is just south of AC and about 20 miles away. My friend Justina promised me she would drive me past Lucy the Elelphant (she did) to make up for the fact that it was a really odd situation.

When we got to the bar. The one girl lets call her Gina (because I dont remember her name) was ordering the drinks. At this point I was getting the brew shakes and wanted my beer. Gina got to the bar before anyone and started taking our orders. I ordered a miller lite and handeda 5 dollar bill to her. She started ordering the drinks and than refused to take my money.

Now I had just met Gina and certainly wasn't going to let her buy me a drink. I refused it once, than she insisted, I refused it 2nd time which is usually how it works. You refuse the offer twice and the offer is negiated. But at this point Gina's friend lets call her Lisa (dont remember her name either) was standing bettween me and Gina. During the 2nd decline Gina passed the 5 dollar bill back to me through her friend Lisa. Gina than faced the bar again to get more drinks, as she did this Lisa who had NOTHING to do with the money to beer transaction folded the 5-spot and put it in her pocket. Maybe in her mind that if the offer is refused the money is up for grabs to anyone?!? Tucker doesn't roll like that.

Now, at this point I am wondering what the hell am I supposed to do. Gina is going to think I was cheap and took the 5 bucks, and this girl randomly took my money. Not wanting to make a big deal about it I didnt say anything. I planned to tell Justina on the ride home so her friend wouldnt think I was cheap or a dickweed. I planned to tell her after she drove me by Lucy in order not to ruin it for the both of us.

However, she later at the bar told me she saw my 5 bucks get basically stolen from me. The odd thing was this bar had a much older crowd, was overly crowded and not at nice. The table next to us was filled with people that likely cashed their social security checks to go out drinking. So, I have no idea what the hell the issue was with the first nicer and closer bar.

LEsson for the day:
Girls are evil and nuts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Courier-Post's new weekly column, ASK ED

Dear Ed,

What do you think I should'a done?

Lisa who had NOTHING to do with the money to beer transaction folded the 5-spot and put it in her pocket. Maybe in her mind that if the offer is refused the money is up for grabs to anyone?!? Tucker doesn't roll like that.

Now, at this point I am wondering what the hell am I supposed to do.

Dear Tucker,

In a situation like this the proper edicate is to donkey punch the stupid chic in the colon, and take back that five. Punctuate it with a head stomp. Thanks for the question. Ed