Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Who in the Hell?"

So the democrats have a candidate that brings people to tears, people line up to see, people shout and scream when he walks past like teenie boopers did to the Beatles back in the 60s and the republicans have a guy who will be entering his late 70s at the end of his first term.

Even the democrats have admitted that most the cable "news" outlets have dropped kicked any kind of unbiased media coverage and just fallen head over heels in love with Obama. Cards are against the war vet guy here.

So, what do the republicans do? They take away their only card they could play the next few months. The whole Obama don't know diddley and toss it in the trash. The select some lady who is unknown outside of Cicely, Alaska. Unknown, because she didnt do anything. She was Governor for what 2 years? I don't know what Governors do out there except try to appeal to the polar bear and moose voters but I know the ones in NJ don't do anything.

Sure shes mildly hot for a women in their 40s who squirted out a litter of rug rats, but if McCain gets sick or passes away it will be like a bad Gena Davis show in the white house.

Speaking of Gena Davis. Anyone remember Lori PEtty who played her sister in A League of Their Own? Well I caught part of Tank Girl on Encore this morning. Man I don't care how bad that movie was Lori Petty looked wicked hot in that. Its a shame that movie killed her career, well maybe she could be our next VP ?


Anonymous said...

enough. Picking a vp is always and I mean always designed to pick up votes.

Think of her being picked as either one of two lines of thought for McCain.

1. I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna die while in office.

2. I'm confident enough with this person that I think she'll be a great president when I die (in office), and the country is in great hands.

Two good reasons to pick her.
1 It catches the Dems off guard. They had research done on all of the leading VP canidates (who they were ready to slam).

2 It appeals to the social conservatives who aren't sure about McCain's politics.

This election is about courting all of the people on the fence. There are alot of them. I kinda like it. People thinking for themselves. There are more votes up for grabs now than in past elections so it is important for McCain to reienforce a waivering Republican base.

Unknown said...

Anonymous, you're right about it catching the Democrats off-guard, but it caught the Republicans off-guard as well, including the McCain campaign itself. It has become clear over the last couple of days that McCain did minimal vetting of Palin before announcing his pick, and is only now scrambling to catch-up to the Democratic opposition research teams. Palin is under investigation for improperly trying to fire her former brother-in-law, an Alaska state trooper. She has just lawyered-up, will have to give a deposition, under oath, in the next couple of weeks, and a report on the investigation is due to be released in late October. Oh, and she's already made and retracted false statements to the press about her involvement in the scandal.

She's also made false statements about her opposition to the famed "Bridge to Nowhere" (she supported it until it became clear that it wasn't going to happen, and only then began to oppose it) and to embattled Alaska Senator Ted Steven, currently under indictment (and running a doomed campaign for re-election), for whom Palin has previously hosted fundraisers.

And now her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, which is something that many people on the Republican side of the fence (certainly not me) consider to be indicative of a moral failing not only in the daughter, but in her. It is currently unclear precisely when McCain knew about this.

McCain didn't do his homework, he took a reckless and ill-considered gamble, and he's going to pay for it. In what is portentously considered to be the first presidential level decision a candidate gets to make, McCain fucked it up big time. He relied on his gut, and he got burned. That is not what you want in a president.

keith said...

well the thing is we have this thing called the internet. So, they found out about her pretty quick.

We also have a thing called blogs and the bloggers are almost if not more powerful than the media.

I wish I predicted this earlier on here. I told people that day give it a few days before her personal life was ripped apart by the left.

Sure enough they have tossed her 17 yearold kid and her boyfriend into the public eye for having a baby on the way.

Its pretty funny the party that is only doing it because they think it will upset some potential MCCain voters.

Now when they would normally say, he...its cool it happens you have to embrace it they are singing a different tune.

"see ! SEe! shes a tramp!"
"worst mom ever!"

Obama was cool about it, but thats why you have your bloggers to do the dirty work and keep the candiate clean.

Jenna said...

Yes, the Democrats are the only people that like to smear the opposition. The Republican candidates have never ever ever done that before!

Rob said...


You missed the point again, which is not surprising because you are just an apologist for right wing incompetence.

The "Left" didn't just go out and pick on Palin's 17 year old daughter. Palin put her front and center. You can't go out and run on the fact that you're a morally perfect mother with a perfect family without facing questions about your management of your family. That's just modern politics. And this comes from a woman who is against meaningful sex education for children; she has gone on the record as supporting only "abstinence only" education. Now, I don't mean to pick on her daughter - I mean to pick on her. And this is more than just scoring cheap partisan irony points.

And let's not take our eyes off the ball here. It appears that she was a member of an organization in Alaska whose goal was to get a vote on secession from the US. Check out the DailyKos. If this is true, it's worse than being unprepared or incompetent. This too is more significant than merely scoring partisan irony points (extra points to those who remember who the greatest Republican president was and why this is so significant in this context).

And this is who McCain wants to put one step away from the presidency?

keith said...


" an You missed the point again, which is not surprising because you are just an apologist for right wing incompetence."

Yeah number of course both sides mudsling. But I never get how the democrats act like they are they good guys.

Sometimes they do stuff and than forget they new stuff and if the right does it they get the country into huge uproar about it.

Like Bush and the no bid to hailburton, Clinton did it with Bosnia.

But you wouldnt know that by the way they acted when BUsh did it.

Anonymous said...

anonymous #1 said

The father is a hockey player. So he gets a pass.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay has spoken!

All hail Lindsay!

Unknown said...

I haven't seen a single Democrat attack Gov. Palin's daughter. Not one. I have seen Republicans do this, and I've linked to it on my blog.

The Left isn't attacking Palin's personal life. We are attacking her politics, her policies, her ideology, and her qualifications.

Unknown said...

Case in point, here's what "Dr." Laura Schlessinger has said about Palin:

"I’m stunned - couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn’t want a “mature” woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of Governor within days of the birth?"

I repeat, it is not the left that is ripping apart her personal life.