Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuckers World to Be Bailed out!

Due to lack of posts Tuckers World is being bailed out by the government. Because the blog writer has done a piss poor job with updates and has no readers the government is going to give him tons of money to make up for his stupidity. Dont worry though some how your getting taxes cuts still. Unless you are a lot more succesful than Tucker than you will be punished in order to make up for his rarely updated blog.


Jason said...

Wow, in a blog full of posts that make little sense this one stands head and shoulders above all. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

What's so hard to understand about it? Are you poor? Are you going to get free money from those who are obviously harder working and more successful than you?

I can only imagine that to be the case if you read this and didn't get the joke or at least find it mildly amusing.

Jason said...

No, I got it moron. I am not poor but I am also not rich. I am squarely middle class just like most people, especially those that read this blog. I am just curious why middle class or poor people so adamantly defend the rich and their ability to make more money off of us. Do you make more than $250,000? If the answer is no, then why do you care that rich people pay more in taxes. If the answer is yes, will the extra tax dollars really affect you?

Where are they handing out the free money, by the way? I want to get in line early, I am sure that it is going to be a long line. I assume that you are talking about the financial bailout. I do not know what you read (if you can) but I can assure you that I or you will see one dime of that money. That money is going to go too multimillion dollar corporations that mishandled themselves, not me or you.

And why do you assume that just because somebody is rich that they are hardworking?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna quit my job and stand out on the corner with my hand outstreched, telling passersby, "Give me whats mines. I deserves it."

Jenna said...

"Give me whats mines. I deserves it."

WOW!!!! Racist much? Do you work for Fox News? Because I think they would really like you.

Jason said...

How is giving a tax cut to people who make less money asking for a freebie? How is raising taxes for people who can afford it punishment?

keith said...

I know people that will pay about 44% of their income back in taxes under the plan. I dont think thats really fair to anyone to lose HALF of what they EARN to pay for misteps in the government. That doesnt even include federal.

keith said...

I think the Gives mes whats mine I deserves it sounds a lot more like the the redneck from the Simpsons by the way than a black dude.

The free money is a reference to the bailouts to the companies and corrupt cities that are seeking them. No one buys American cars, and their businesses tanked, so we should bail them out?

Cities like Philly asking for money is laughable. They dont have any money because the corrupt democrats funneled money into their buddies..or brothers like Milton treat, and basically stole from the people.

If you cant accept that as truth. I know many of you think democrats would never do such a thing. At least admit the city has been run into the ground money wise. Why on earth should the nation pay for a city that has had money woes for years?

Detroit is leading the charge. Really?

I think instead of actually bailing out the motor city we have two opitions.

You sell MIchigan to Canada, problem solved. Also CAnada can worry about buying out defunt car companies that sell cars no one buys. Seriously when was the last time we sold land?
Move everyone out of the city and level it with bombs.
The Detroit is dead, the city serves no purpose. Blow it to bits. and close it out end of story.

Telling everyone to get the heck out so we can just level it and fire the mayor (oh wait isnt he in jail for corruption, but he has a "D" next to his name! NO!!!)

Anonymous said...

We can keep Detroit's NFL franchise and bring it to Jersey. The Camden Lions. I like the sound of that.

Let's sell Illinois to Canada as well. Then we can call Barack a foreigner and deport him up north.
Perhaps in a new career he can learn how to play hockey.

Jenna said...

Actually "Give me whats mines. I deserves it..." sounds more like Buckwheat.

Anyway...I think that there are corrupt people on both sides of the political spectrum. Do you honestly believe that Republicans have never done anything corrupt? Take for instance, the mortgage crisis. But what does it matter? They like to step on people and take advantage of the poor people who don't matter and shouldn't be a part of society anyhow. Why don't we blow them off the map too?

And do you really think that Philadelphia is not the only city that is going to ask for money from the Federal government? Mayor Nutter has to clean up what John Street did in Philadelphia. Should they get the money? Probably not.

Should the automakers get bailed out. I don't think so. But the ridiculous idea of blasting Detroit off the map can easily be said about city of Camden. And there are no cars being produced in Camden, at least some production is coming out of "The Detroit". (is that like "The Iraq")

Jason said...

Keith, at what point did anybody say that all Democrats are perfect? I think that this is a fantasy created in your addled mind.

Obviously corruption exists on both sides. This financial crisis and subsequent bailout has little to do with corruption. It has nothing to do with Philly, and probably most cities, looking for a handout. It has to do with the Republican deregulation of big business and them having the bubble burst on them. They will get their precious bailout and nothing will change.

Who the hell do you know that is paying 44% in taxes?!?!?!? That is ridiculous, they are clearly doing their taxes wrong. They really need to get a new accountant. If that is true (I highly doubt it) and they make less than $250,000 then their taxes will go down once Obama takes office. Good for them.

Anonymous said...


It seems you don't understand how taxes work. You see, depending on your income, you fall into a tax bracket. In the top bracket, it's currently 35% and will go to about 39% under Obama. That is just federal. I am in this tax bracket and I can assure you my accountant has nothing to do with the taxes I currently pay. The deducations I can take are tiny in comparison to the amount I pay in.

Jason said...

So, you fall into the top tax bracket? Congratulations for being so successful. I understand fully how taxes work, or at least how they should. The more you make, the more you pay in taxes, at least that is how it should work. It has not for the past 8 years, but thankfully Obama will fix that. Basically what I am saying is that I do not care or feel pity for you because you pay more in taxes than I do because you make significantly more than I do. And since your taxes are going up when Obama takes office (the instant he takes office I am sure) that must mean that you make more than $250,000 a year. Again, I feel no pity for your tax "misfortune."

As for your accountant he should recommend that you invest in some tax free funds or some tax deferred annuities, they should cut down on your taxable income.

Oh, by the way, do you have any advice on how I can spend your hard earned money. I gots what I deserves!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think tax brackets are unconstitutional because if "all men (and womyn) are created equal," than everyone should be in the same tax bracket, and get the same tax rate, regardless of how much money they make.

Jason said...

That whole "all men are created equal" does not really apply to income or taxes, that would be called communism.

Unknown said...

Actually, Anonymous, everyone pays the same tax rate. It's a complicated, multi-tiered structure where the marginal rate of taxation increases as your income increases. No one actually pays 35%. You only pay 35% of whatever portion of your taxable income is above $366,650 (assuming, for the sake of discussion, that you are unmarried without children). Sure, your effective tax rate will be higher as your income increases, but the system applies equally to everyone. No one pays any federal taxes on the first $8950 of income, and everyone pays 10% on their income between that and $16,975, etc. It's a sliding scale, but the same scale applies to everyone.

And seriously, if you're making over $366,000 a year, enough to put you in that top bracket, then quit your God damn bitching. The Bush tax cut that put your bracket down to 35% was a terrible blunder that never should have been passed in the first place.

Unknown said...

By the way, the Constitution doesn't say that "All men created equal." That's the Declaration of Independence, which has no force of law. Sorry to be pedantic.

Anonymous said...

So I'm not paying more taxes than you?

In looking at my W-4, I can most certainly tell you that I am. If you think tax free funds are going to make more than a tiny difference on my yearly income taxes, I can only conclude your living under a rock and are instead just anti-rich.

And Drew, I also find it funny that you think I should "quit my God damn bitching."

I should say the same of the poor and lazy who can't seem to find a way to make it past the paycheck to paycheck mentality. But, I suppose it's easy to just blame the evil white man. Who needs personal responsibility and accountability, anyway. Let's just go all Robin Hood on those who pay their own way instead!

I have no problem paying more taxes, but putting me in 39% tax bracket is ridiculous. Maybe some of the 40% who pay no taxes at all should be cut off. They're nothing but a drain on society anyway.

Jason said...

I would still like to know why you think that just because someone is rich means that they work hard and because someone is middle class or poor that thhey do not? There is no rhyme or reason to that.

We are not anti-rich. We are anti-rich people bitching because they pay more taxes. You make more, why shouldn't you pay more in taxes? To quote the great philosopher Drew: "Quit your god-damned bitching."

Anonymous said...

There's no correlation between hard work and income?

Well, I guess we can agree to disagree on that one. The vast majority of people who make a lot of money work harder and smarter than those who don't. If you chose to enter a profession that doesn't pay well for your hard work, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

I don't have a problem paying more taxes. I have a problem with being taxed at a higher percentage than those who make less than I do. Why stop at 39%? Why not just make it 60%? At what point does it become ludicrous? I guess if you want to live in a socialist society, perhaps you'd see no problems with that.

Your supposition that we shouldn't complain because we make so much money is flat out absurd, and if you ever made anywhere near enough to be taxed at 39% perhaps you'd understand.

It's all about the haves and have nots. If you suddenly got taxed at 39% and the homeless were given your extra tax dollars, I don't think you'd be feeling very charitable. Something tells me they'd feel anyone who's middle class could afford to give them a bit of the money they work so hard for.

Jenna said...

I don't understand why you think that those who are paying less taxes than you get your money. I pay income tax just like you do and when I file my income taxes, I get back what I paid during the year.

Some of us didn't get into the computer/IT industry before the boom and don't make more money than we should. Some people were born with the last name Hilton. That makes them rich, it doesn't make them hard working. There are teachers out there that should earn more money for trying to mold the minds of the future, but for some reason, they aren't worth that much to society. I don't know understand why. If it weren't for them, our children wouldn't learn anything.

And the homeless people aren't getting your money. That is why they are homeless...they have no money, they get no money but the change that falls out of the holes in our pockets.

I am not anti-rich by any stretch of the imagination. Trust me I would very much love to be rich, but I'm not. If I was, I wouldn't have a problem paying a little more in taxes because I would have the means to do so.

And why is it that you are lazy if you live paycheck to paycheck? Many a college graduate lives paycheck to paycheck. It doesn't make a person lazy.

Why does it always come back to the evil rich white man? Yet again, more proof to your racism. So maybe you are an evil rich white man.

It seems that you are anti-American because you can't get behind what our country was built on.

Unknown said...

Anonymous, every time every says something, you immediately start sarcastically attacking something that they didn't say. You've done this at least three times in comments to this post alone, and have now been called on it at least twice. It's very annoying, and you should stop.

I didn't say that you don't pay more taxes than me. You said that the progressive income tax structure is unconstitutional. That is wrong. Ludicrously wrong, as it happens, and I explained why. Believe it or not, I was trying to be helpful.

And Jason didn't say that there is no correlation between income and hard work. He said that there isn't a perfect correlation between them. Which there isn't.

And for fuck sake, living from paycheck to paycheck isn't a mentality. For most people, it's a necessity.

Unknown said...

One more thing, Anonymous. You're right. Just because you make a shit load of money doesn't mean you can't complain. Go ahead, complain away. Just don't expect anyone to give a shit.

Anonymous said...

I can see that Keith's site has become the new battleground for conservative Americans to defend their rights.

Oh, and about that Dec. of Indy gaffe... I drink when I post.

Jason said...

I was not aware that conservatives were having their rights taken away. It really is okay, the big scary black man is not going to lock all the nice white people in jail. The blacks are not going to come into your house and rape your womenfolk and steal your jobs. Life is going to go on as usual, just better.

Unknown said...

I must say the whole "rights taken away" thing is pretty bizarre. I mean, raise the top tax bracket from 35% to 39% and conservatives start stock piling guns. But lock people in prison forever without charging them with a crime, producing evidence, or allowing them to even talk to an attorney, and that's just fantastic.

Conservatives have a very limited understanding of what "rights" are, and an extremely warped way of prioritizing which ones are worth fighting for.

keith said...

I think I should ingore blog more often. I haven many any new entries in a long time and I think thats a comments record.

I love you guys.

The Drew leading the war on phantom readers and Jenna calling people racists.

Jenna said...

I only call people racists when it is true.

keith said...

"Give me whats mines. I deserves it."

I dont think anyone brought race into this but you.

Thats what the person posted you were the one that implyed that ONLY a black person would speak like that.

I am not sure many people took it that way. I took it as someone who was really blaming others for their failures and looking for hand out. Our generation seems to have spawned a lot of those.

If anything I really took it as a hayseed type person, but I guess your allow to make fun of morons if they are skin color is white?!? Had this impression of the type of person upseting the poster had been definate "hicky type" you wouldnt even have an issue? Even though it would be a slam to guys that live out in the country?! Stero typing them is ok?

Maybe I am wrong, and I dont have a tracker to narrow down who posted it on here like Drew does. I think it might be more than one person. I had not looked at the comments in awhile, but I think it might be 2 people actually.

ACtually I do know that I have a black reader on here (not sure how often he checks in, usually pretty rarely from what I understand but you never know) that would actually AGREE with what the one phantom guy was saying. So, for all I know one of the comments are from him.

I have my theories on who I think the one or two people are commenting here. But no proof.

Have you been reading Al Sharpton books a lot lately?

Jenna said...

I only call it like I see it. If you disagree with me, that's fine. But I haven't seen many liberal point of views on this blog and your commenter has proven that he is far from liberal. Most "hicky types" as you called them tend to be conservative. Why make fun of them if they are on his side. And why are you getting offended about me calling someone out on being a racist? He/She won't even defend the accusation?

Also, I thought this post was about corporate America wanting to get bailed out. I didn't realize that it was about people of our generation with their hand out waiting for money. That is what your "Anonymous" commenter brought up. When someone says something that is wrong they need to know that they are wrong.

And no, I haven't read any Al Sharpton books lately. Do you have one you could recommend to me? I am open for suggestions.